Covid, Bassetti: “After September 30, stop mask obligation on public transport”

by time news

I believe that after September 30, the obligation to wear a mask on public transport is anachronistic. We must move from obligations to recommendations for the protection of their health, the frail who wear a mask on the bus or train are good. ”Matteo Bassetti, director of infectious diseases of the San Martino hospital in Genoa, underlines this to Health.

On the approval of the Ema to the vaccines updated to Omicron, Bassetti says that “it must give a new impulse to immunizations. We now have a vaccine that has half the original virus and half of Omicron 1, so it will help us in the response of all the others too. Omicron variants. But in the meantime the elderly and frail people have to do the booster dose with this updated vaccine, I hope it goes well over 30% of those who took the fourth dose today. We must be careful because the increase in infections will occur and therefore we must get to have immune systems capable of defending themselves well against the variants that will circulate in the autumn, Centaurus and Omicron 4 and 5 “.

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