Covid, can unwitting positives get vaccinated? Experts answer

by time news

What happens to those who get vaccinated but are positive and do not know because they are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms? Here is the response of the infectious disease specialists

The characteristics of the variante Omicron, which led to a surge in infections that forced the Government to introduce thevaccination obligation for the over 50, is to be less aggressive but more easily transmitted. For this reason today in Italy there are many people who, although infected, do not develop particular symptoms and do not carry out the swab to check if the virus is circulating in the body. What happens when a person is positive but I don’t know and still goes for the vaccine?

Can positives with asymptomatic or mild symptoms be vaccinated? “There is no risk, at most it is a useless vaccination”

Experts say that there are no particular contraindications for those who are positive and undergo the vaccine but a lot depends on their health conditions. “Even if the Omicron variant is very contagious and particularly paucisymptomatic – explains a Republic Massimo Andreoni, head of infectious disease al Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome and scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit) – it has already happened in the past that someone got vaccinated only to discover immediately afterwards that they are positive a Covid-19 or have manifested the symptoms of the disease “.

Andreoni thus confirms that there is “no risk” as “the stimulation of the vaccine it comes in the course of a natural stimulation of the disease but does not create any consequences for the organism. That is why there is no indication to do a nasopharyngeal swab before getting vaccinated: we could say at the most that it is a useless vaccination, but not dangerous “.

However, the infectious disease specialist points out that they are experimented cough, cold, headache, joint pain or other mild symptoms there is no risk even in this case but “it is never advisable to do any vaccination if you are not in perfect physical shape, have a fever or in any case a condition of malaise”. The symptoms cannot even get worse “also because the immune stimulation of the vaccine is slower than the current infection and takes about 15 days to manifest itself, so the body is stimulated even more to defend itself from the disease”.

If, on the other hand, i symptoms are severe yes, a swab must be carried out not so much for the vaccine problem as to avoid the risk of infecting other people. If positive results, you must then proceed to quarantine and then carry out a control swab to ensure recovery.

Can unsuspecting positives get vaccinated? Differences between doses and children

The level of risk for i positive asymptomatic or with mild symptoms who get vaccinated is the same regardless of dose performed (first, second or booster). In this regard, today we are discussing whether it is useful continue with further doses to be administered quarterly. “There are no big differences – he clarifies Andreoni – except for the fact that if the infection occurs in a subject who has already taken the first dose, it is more controlled thanks to the immunity acquired with the vaccine, but otherwise there are no risks of any kind nor with the first dose, neither with the second nor with the recall “.

Can asymptomatic children develop severe symptoms? Second Elena Bozzola, national secretary of the Italian Society of Pediatrics and medical director at thePediatric Unit of the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome, age is not a factor that affects the danger of the disease in case of vaccination. Indeed, the latter “only serves to increase the protection of the child. It is not even recommended to carry out a serological test to understand if the child has previously asymptomatically contracted the Covid“.

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