Covid decree, from 15 February those who go to work without a super green pass risk up to 1,500 euros in fines (double for repeat offenders)

by time news

In response to the controversy, from Palazzo Chigi they anticipate that the fine of one hundred euros for over-fifty-year-olds without vaccines is not the only sanction envisaged in the decree approved on Wednesday. For those who are not vaccinated, the suspension from work is triggered, while the sanctions of 400 to 1000 euros already foreseen for all citizens, regardless of age, are valid in case of violation of the obligation of green pass or super green pass for access to services, activities, means of transport

One hundred euro fine one-off, imposed byRevenue Agency, for those over 50 who from February 1st onwards will still be without even a dose of Covid vaccine. This is the only sanction for the violation of thevaccination obligation, introduced for the first time in a generalized way for a specific age group by the decree-law approved Wednesday in the Council of Ministers, which was recently sent to the State General Accounting for the stamp (the financial compliance visa) and immediately after it will be signed by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, with the publication in Official Journal that could arrive in the night. A threat, that of the one hundred euro fine, which appears rather mild, so much so that many scientists judge it completely inadequate to convince the most hardened no vaxes.

In response to the controversy, however, from Palazzo Chigi they anticipate that this is not the only sanction foreseen: for workers over fifty years old without a super green pass (which is obtained with a vaccine or recovery) from February 15 the suspension from work without salary and one fine from 600 to 1500 euros in the case of access to the workplace in violation of the obligation (while the employer who does not control risks from 400 to 1000 euros). The penalty is doubled if the violation is repeated. In addition, the sanctions from 400 to 1000 euros already provided for all citizens, regardless of age, are valid in case of violation of thegreen pass obligation The super green pass for access to services, activities, means of transport. With the changes introduced in the Cdm, the basic pass, which can also be obtained with a pad, will be enough to go to the hairdresser, from the barber andbeautician (from 20 January), or in a public office, in a shop or to be able to use the postal services, banking e financial (from February 1st). The list of activities “necessary to ensure the satisfaction of essential needs e primary of the person “(eg food), which can still be accessed without any certificate.

The sanction for over 50s without dose will be imposed by the Revenue Agency by crossing – starting from 1 February – the data of the resident population with those resulting in the regional or provincial vaccination registries, while a strengthening of controls a sample by the police force. The obligation of the super pass to work will instead only start from February 15: one month to give everyone, as already happened for other categories, the possibility to book the dose and obtain the pass, which is issued 15 days after the first administration. Therefore, those who have not yet been vaccinated will have to take the first dose by January 31 in order to get the strengthened pass to work. And it is precisely with a view to facilitating vaccination for this age group that the Regions will prepare preferential lanes in hubs and pharmacies.

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