Covid effect on beauty retouching: liposuction the most requested intervention

by time news

2023-07-15 17:52:21

Breast implants seem out of fashion. Surprisingly, today the most requested ‘beauty touch’ is no longer breast augmentation, but liposuction. “The statistics released annually by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Isaps) show that liposuction has risen to the top of the most requested operations in the world, undermining breast augmentation with implants”. Reports and explains the data Damiano Tambasco, head of the Operational Unit of Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine of the San Carlo di Nancy Hospital in Rome: the ‘overtaking’ of liposuction, he says, “is probably due to the drastic reduction in sports activities in the Covid era , which has led to the appearance of extra pounds and localized fat deposits that can be treated with this method”.

After years of undisputed dominance among the most requested plastic surgeries, therefore, the idea of ​​’inflating’ the décolleté area loses its appeal and leaves room for practices that ‘slide’ excess fat and reshape the body. The trend also inevitably affects Italy, which “remains one of the countries where plastic surgery is most commonly used”. Especially since “today we approach this world with greater ease, trust and fewer hesitations. The figure of the plastic surgeon has been cleared through customs and is socially accepted”, highlights those who work on the front line in the sector.

“The recent pandemic – is the analysis – has had a positive impact on aesthetic medicine, bringing to light new needs and increasing attention and awareness on the part of the patient. Today we approach these interventions not only for an aesthetic value: we look more at health and prevention. Very often we turn to plastic surgery because living with what appears to be an unacceptable physical defect seriously compromises the quality of life and psychological serenity”.

The Covid effect on the ‘beauty scalpel’ also depends on the increase in teleworking: “Continuous conference calls and the greater use of PCs – observes Tambasco – have given rise to a phenomenon whereby looking at each other through the camera of a monitor it has amplified the perception of one’s physical defects. As a result, requests from ordinary people have increased, whereas before it was more the prerogative of VIPs or people extremely attentive to aesthetics, but also from men”.

More and more often it is the Internet that guides the choices: “In recent times – reports the expert – it is now undeniable that almost all patients document themselves on social networks before undergoing a visit with the plastic surgeon, and that a good portion of patients compare specialists via accounts and social media”.

In addition, there is an increase in operations ‘away from home’ across the border, patients who travel abroad to be operated on, attracted above all by hyper-competitive rates in the context of so-called medical tourism. “However, we must warn against the ‘commodification’ of cosmetic surgery – warns Tambasco – which risks making us forget that it is always and in any case surgical interventions, therefore not free from risks and complications. Some of these can also occur after some time from the intervention and therefore require continuous and protracted assistance over time, which is difficult to reconcile with the times of medical tourism”.

The San Carlo di Nancy specialist – informs a note – will be the protagonist of the TV series ‘My scalpel friend: intimate confidences’, designed to highlight “how plastic surgery can also be ethical in solving deep problems and discomforts”. The appointment is on Real Time, from Saturday 22 July at 2.50pm. The series includes 8 episodes with 15 daily stories at the center, of ordinary people (no actor), who no longer feel at ease with their bodies and seek help in plastic surgery to overcome a strong discomfort.

“Among the stories that touched me the most – says Tambasco – is that of Dana, a woman who, due to an accidental pediatric burn, had alopecia on the scalp. Her sweetness and her calm, but at the same time intense to express his discomfort” for the lack of hair, “combined with such a strong story, they created a mix of very strong emotions during the filming of the visits, check-ups and during the execution of the transplant surgery of hair. I was also struck by the story of Ottavia, hit by a car while crossing the road, reporting a devastating picture of fractures of the pelvis, vertebral and lower limb fractures. This patient, with a very strong and decisive character, told me asked for help after having finished the orthopedic operations due to the presence of an important swelling of the thigh resulting from the trauma, which in addition to a major imperfection represented above all for her a continuous memory of that very dramatic episode”.

From the lawyer to the butcher, from the stuntman to the podiatrist, from the nurse to the sales assistant. These will be the voices of the series, patients who will undergo plastic surgery in front of the camera, telling their life and the reasons that led them to take this path. They are moved by the will to launch “an extremely positive message: the courage to reveal oneself, the willpower, the spirit of sacrifice, the hope of improving oneself, ethics and empathy”.

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