COVID FLU COLD DIFFERENCES | Covid, flu and cold symptoms: main differences

by time news

2023-12-28 10:27:47

Los virus They do not seem willing to give the population a break even for Christmas. When the covid disappear from the common imagination after several years making headlines in the news, diseases as common as gripe or the cold have regained prominence due to the wave of contagious that our country is experiencing these weeks.

But if something is true in all this, it is that not even every sign of discomfort It was evidence of having contracted coronavirus, nor does the same now happen with the rest of the conditions. Although it is true that all of them share common traits in their pathologiesthere are some notable differences that are important to take into account when diagnosis.

Diagnostic tests

No matter how obvious it may seem, the best way to clear up doubts is to use some of the screening tests of diseases. As he covid-19 as the gripe can cause fever, tos, fatigue, sore throat, pain muscular, headache, diarrhea y respiratory problems. Therefore, the most reasonable solution is to undergo a PCRwhich will determine which of the two diseases it is.

After all, both differ mainly in the virus that causes them. While the covid arrives from the hand of the known SARS-CoV-2in the case of the flu it is the virus influenza the one that causes discomfort and all the symptoms that accompany it.


To differentiate the constipated y coldsusually caused by rinovirusof covid it is enough to pay attention to what the symptoms that are presented. Without going further, sneezing, congestion and runny nose They are signs of discomfort that, unlike the coronavirus, do appear in the common colds.

Another very useful clue is given with the loss of smell and/or taste. It is well known that this consequence of the coronavirus is not directly associated with the mucus, something that, however, does happen in cases of cold. Thus, in one virus, mucus is the cause of this deterioration, while in another it has nothing to do with it.


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However, if the three share something diseases is that none of them are cured with antibiotics nor with any other medication. Yes indeed, analgesics y antipyreticscombined with the repose and the hydrationwill be our best allies to endure these infections in the best possible way.

Likewise, in patients of risk or in more cases gravesusually marked by respiratory complicationsthere are specific treatments with antivirals provided through prescription doctor.

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