Covid, from Aifa stop to use Molnupiravir pill: that’s why

by time news

Stop the Molnupiravir pill against Covid. This was announced by the Italian drug agency Aifa.” In the session of the Technical-Scientific Commission (CTS) of 10 March 2023 – reads the note published on their website -, it was decided to suspend the use of the antiviral medicine Lagevrio* (Molnupiravir) following the negative opinion formulated by the Committee for medicinal products for human use Chmp of the European Medicines Agency EMA on 24 February 2023, for the lack of demonstration of a clinical benefit in terms of reduction of mortality and hospital admissions“.

AIFA points out that “no particular safety problems related to the treatment have been identified”. Molnupiravir was initially made available – recalls the national regulatory body – for the treatment of mild-moderate Covid-19, through authorization for emergency distribution pursuant to article 5.2 of Legislative Decree 219/2006. The provision of suspension of use will be effective following its publication in the Official Gazette.

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