Covid, good news for football and other sports: from 1 April stadiums and arenas will be 100% open with the end of the state of emergency

by time news

The footballand all sports, can begin to exult: if there are no nasty surprises, from April 1st with the end of the state of emergency stadiums will fully reopen and sports halls. By now the date is practically set and circled in red on the calendar. Indeed, it could even be anticipated because the Undersecretary Vezzali would like to have 100% capacity already on March 24 a Palermofor the first play-off of the national team against Macedonia del North. The news was in the air, it is not yet official but at this point it will soon be: according to what transpires of the meetings held in Palazzo Chigithe last resistances have fallen, the epidemiological curve by now reassuring and the beginning of the spring they will allow to have the spectators back at full capacity in sporting events. In a general package which will include the easing of various restrictions, not only will the outdoor stadiums return to 100%, which since March 1 had already passed to 75%, but also the sports halls sports indoors.

It’s a big one news for football, and perhaps above all for the others disciplinewhich unlike the rich A league they cannot count on the millions of rights and are essentially based on the takings of the box office. Sports and minor categories were the real victims of pandemic, much more than the top balloon. The patrons of the championship have been on a war footing for weeks (Aurelio De Laurentiis at one point he even threatened the executive, reminding him that there are millions of fans voters), but in reality the impact of the provision on Serie A will be relative: as told by the Done and also confirmed by recent statistics, i club Italians for months they have not been able to fill their plants even up to the permitted threshold of 50 or 75%. The sold-outs were seen almost exclusively in occasion of the big matches, and this will need the go-ahead in April: scrape together a few million more (we are talking about a difference of maximum 1-2 million per game), for the few great challenges that will remain (the Juventus if they qualify for the Champions League, Inter will be more difficult, the derby of Italy on 3 April, Milan-Atalanta in May and perhaps little else). However one breath of fresh airfor everyone, starting with the fans.

There is also, as mentioned, the attempt to anticipate the reopening for the national team, a bit like last summer for the Europeans: a derogation which would be particularly appreciated by the FederCalcio Of Gabriele Gravina, that in the match in Palermo against North Macedonia there is a lot of play, and having the whole audience in favor would be an extra weapon. The sale of the tickets has already begun for 75% of Barbera (about 25 thousand seats), if the green light from Palazzo Chigi the other coupons will also be added. The real news, however, is that on the table there would beelimination of the obligation of super green pass for the entrance to the stadium. If the return to 100% capacity is now given for acquired, the certification is still under discussion. It is a welcome request to the world of sport, and also supported by Undersecretary Valentina Vezzali, who is opposed by the Ministry of Health of Roberto Speranza, who would like to keep the instrument at least for a series of activities, including large events and gatherings. On this will be decisive thefootprint general that you will want to give to the decree, and that it will not only concern sport. In any case, a few more weeks and the stages they will reopen completely. Hoping this time not to close again.

Twitter: @lVendemiale

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