Covid in the United States: Anthony Fauci warned that omicron could cause a record of hospitalizations in areas with low vaccination rates

by time news

NEW YORK – While restrictions in the United States are an unlikely measure, the rapid spread of the omicron variant of coronavirus ” class=”com-link” data-reactroot=””>omicron variant of coronavirus would put hospitals under pressure, especially in areas with low vaccination rates. This was warned by the infectious disease doctor and adviser to the White House, Anthony Fauci.

“I do not foresee the type of closures that we have seen before, but I certainly see the potential for stress in our hospital system,” said Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in dialogue with the US chain. ABC.

In this context, Fauci once again invited citizens to complete vaccination schedules, while highlighting the importance of a third dose. “It is particularly important in the current situation with omicron,” he stressed.

“In the United States we have 50 million people eligible to be vaccinated who have not yet done so,” said the expert.

Given the increase in Covid-19 cases, end-of-year parties and the return of face-to-face classes have been canceled in some cities, while presence in offices has dropped considerably

The jump in Covid-19 cases in the United States has forced companies to review their plans. Many opt for Christmas greetings in virtual format to prevent the spread of the virus. It is included Wall Street, one of the first to return to the office after the initial emergency, she is forced to retrace her steps.

Goldman Sachs in recent days ordered employees to cancel scheduled parties, while JP Morgan called for caution in the celebrations. Even CNN has closed offices to non-essential personnel.

“If your job does not require assistance, please work elsewhere”President Jeff Zucker said in a statement to employees. CNN -he added- will also make changes in the recording studios “minimizing the number of people present.”

The measures impact study houses at all levels. Harvard University also reviewed and adjusted its platform, after announcing it will move all lessons online during the first three weeks of January.

The United States is clearly adjusting its strategy and is on guard against what is being observed in the United Kingdom, which shows a similar attitude of balance between health and the national economy.

For its part, Michael Ostherholm, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Policy and Research at the University of Minnesota, He warned that in the coming weeks the United States will see millions of people become infected with the omicron variant of the new coronavirus.

With information from the ANSA agency

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