Covid investigation, Ciccozzi: “Wrong science trial in Bergamo”

by time news

“In January and February 2020 we knew nothing about Sars-CoV-2, what it was, what damage it could do, we had no weapons and we knew little about its spread. Now, after three years, putting science on trial seems wrong to me. Indeed, today it is clear to everyone how science has won the battle against Covid. It has only done good”. This was highlighted to Salute by Massimo Ciccozzi, head of the Medical Statistics and Epidemiology Unit of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Campus Bio-Medico in Rome, speaking on the controversy after the 19 suspects, including several scientists such as Ippolito, Locatelli and Brusaferro , by the Bergamo prosecutor’s office on the lack of red areas in Lombardy.

“It also happened that we were not listened to right away, for example when even the undersigned, already in February, spoke of the risk of mutations of the virus which we had already seen as a center. It is true that there was a lot of confusion, he can deny, even on a scientific level but because not much was known. But let us remember how in the following months a race began from the whole scientific world to study and give answers. And today we are out of the tunnel”, he added.

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