Covid, Iss: “For no vax up to 7 times more risk of death and 3.5 times intensive”

by time news

The death rate for Covid is 7 times higher for the unvaccinated than for those who are protected with full booster vaccination. This is what emerges from the latest extended report of the Higher Institute of Health on the trend of Covid-19 in Italy. Unvaccinated people are up to 7 times higher at risk of death than vaccinated people and up to 3.5 times higher in ICU admission.

The age-standardized death rate, relative to the population aged 12 years or older, per 100 thousand people in the period 13 May-12 June 2022, for the unvaccinated is in detail equal to 11 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, “about six times higher than those vaccinated with a full cycle of less than 120 days (2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants) and about 7 times higher (7.1) than those vaccinated with an additional dose / booster (2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants) “. Given that it reaches 8 and a half times (8.5) on the over 80 population.

As for the rate of admissions to intensive care, in the period 20 May-19 June for the unvaccinated it was 2 admissions per 100,000 inhabitants and is “double compared to vaccinated people with a complete cycle of less than 120 days and about three and a half times more. high compared to vaccinated with additional dose / booster “. The hospitalization rate, in the period 20 May-19 June for the unvaccinated (56 hospitalizations per 100,000 inhabitants) is approximately two and a half times higher than those vaccinated with a complete cycle of less than 120 days (22 hospitalizations per 100,000 patients). ) and more than three and a half times higher than those vaccinated with an additional dose / booster (16 hospitalizations per 100,000 inhabitants).

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