Covid Italia, Bassetti: “Fifth wave? Let’s avoid alarming people”

by time news

“Let’s avoid alarming people by saying that everything is bad or talking about the fifth wave” of Covid-19 “because only positive tampons go up. Positive tampons does not mean having sick and above all it does not mean having seriously ill”. This was stated by Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Polyclinic in Genoa, in light of the inversion of the Covid curve, certified yesterday by the control room of the Higher Institute of Health-Ministry of Health.

“What is happening on Covid in Italy? Should we worry? Are we facing the beginning of the fifth wave? There has been an increase in infections in recent days mainly linked to the fast viral circulation among children between 5 and 11 years old,” which are still poorly protected as they are not vaccinated in over 50% of cases – analyzes the expert on Facebook – The situation in hospitals does not cause any concern, with a decline that has been continuing for 4 consecutive weeks. So? ” Therefore alarmism must be avoided, he warns.

“Even here in the Clinic – reports the infectious disease specialist – things are going very well, with only 2 hospitalized for Covid”. Instead, he stresses, “in the last week we have finally seen the first of 2 cases of H3N2 flu hospitalized. The return to normal can also be seen from the return of seasonal flu. It arrived late, but it also arrived here”.

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