Covid Italy, 17,574 infections and 80 deaths: bulletin 7 September

by time news

I’m 17,574 coronavirus infections in Italy today, 7 September 2022, according to numbers and covid data of the bulletin – region by region – of the Civil Protection and Ministry of Health. There are also another 80 deaths. Overall, the victims since the beginning of the pandemic have been 176,009 and the total cases 21,987,295. Since yesterday, 163,107 more swabs have been carried out with a 10.8% positivity rate. In all, 243,426,378 swabs were carried out and the number of people tested was 63,371,581. Patients with symptoms are 4,299 (-160 compared to yesterday) and 184 (-1) patients in intensive care with 27 admissions of the day.

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Here is today’s data, region by region:

LAZIO – There are 1,512 new infections from Coronavirus today, 7 September 2022 in Lazio, according to Covid data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 3 deaths have been recorded. In the last 24 hours 3,027 molecular swabs and 10,609 antigenic swabs were processed with a positivity rate of 11%. The hospitalized are 482, 21 fewer from yesterday, 36 intensive care, one less than yesterday and 4,541 recovered, again in the last 24 hours. The cases in Rome city are at 744. In detail, the infections and deaths in the health agencies of the region. Asl Roma 1: there are 265 new cases and 1 death; Asl Roma 2: 280 new cases and 1 death; Asl Roma 3: there are 199 new cases; Asl Roma 4: there are 68 new cases; Asl Roma 5: there are 126 new cases; Asl Roma 6: there are 118 new cases. In the provinces there are 456 new cases. Asl di Frosinone: there are 180 new cases; ASL of Latina: there are 162 new cases; Asl di Rieti: there are 39 new cases; Asl di Viterbo: there are 75 new cases and 1 death.

LOMBARDY – There are 2,733 new infections from Coronavirus today, 7 September 2022 in Lombardy, according to Covid data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 10 deaths have been recorded for a total of 42,318 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. In the last 24 hours, 26,108 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic, for a positive rate of 10.4%.

Ordinary hospitalizations in Lombard hospitals are 540, 29 less than yesterday, while those in intensive care, with two more people in the last 24 hours, rise to 16.

In the province of Milan there are 715 new positives, of which 313 in the city of Milan. In Bergamo 311, in Brescia 380, in Como 205, in Cremona 107, in Lecco 109, in Lodi 72, in Mantua 124, in Monza and Brianza 239, in Pavia 150, in Sondrio 48 and in Varese 210.

EMILIA ROMAGNA – Since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, 1,830,728 cases of positivity have been recorded in Emilia-Romagna, 1,596 more than yesterday, out of a total of 10,741 swabs performed in the last 24 hours, of which 5,285 are molecular and 5,456 tests rapid antigenic. Overall, the percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made is 14.9%. There are 7 deaths: 1 in Piacenza (an 88-year-old woman); 1 in the province of Reggio Emilia (a 91-year-old woman); 1 in the province of Modena (a 93-year-old woman); 1 in the province of Bologna (a 90-year-old man); 1 in Ferrara (an 87-year-old man); 1 in the province of Ravenna (a 92-year-old woman); 1 in the province of Rimini (a 100-year-old woman). There are no deaths in the provinces of Parma, Forlì-Cesena and in the Imola district. In total, there have been 17,932 deaths in the region since the beginning of the epidemic.

Meanwhile, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues. At 2 pm a total of 10,824,425 doses were administered; out of the total 3,798,824 people over 12 who have completed the vaccination cycle, 94.5%. The additional doses made are 2,955,093.

TUSCANY – There are 810 new covid infections in Tuscany according to today’s bulletin, 7 September. There are also another 6 deaths. In the region there are 1,381,898 cases of Coronavirus positivity, 138 new cases confirmed with molecular swab and 672 from rapid antigen test. New cases are 0.1% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grew by 0.1% and reached 1,291,543 (93.5% of total cases). Today 985 molecular swabs and 6,857 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 10.3% were positive. On the other hand, 1,468 subjects were tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swabs, excluding control swabs), of which 55.2% were positive. The currently positive are 79,674 today, -0.5% compared to yesterday. There are 217 hospitalized (19 fewer than yesterday), of which 6 in intensive care (stable). Today there are 6 new deaths: 4 men and 2 women with an average age of 89.3 years. These are the data, ascertained at 12 today on the basis of the requests of the National Civil Protection, relating to the progress of the epidemic in the region.

SARDINIA – There are 375 new covid infections in Sardinia according to today’s bulletin, 7 September. There are also 4 other deaths. A total of 3,213 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic. The patients admitted to the intensive care units are 5 (-1). The patients admitted to the medical area are 80 (-4). 7,868 are the cases of home isolation (-783). There are four deaths: two men aged 93 and 96 and two women aged 89 and 94, residing in the province of Oristano ‘. The Sardinia Region communicates it.

ABRUZZO – There are 623 new covid infections in Abruzzo according to today’s bulletin, 7 September. There is also another death. The total number of cases since the beginning of the emergency – net of realignments – is 543,854. The death toll rises to 3,644. This was communicated by the Regional Health Department. The number of positive cases also includes 512,717 discharged / healed (+588 compared to yesterday). The currently positive in Abruzzo are 27,493 (+34 compared to yesterday). Of these, 127 patients (-2 compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in the medical area; 4 (-1 compared to yesterday) in intensive care, while the rest are in home isolation. In the last 24 hours, 1,231 molecular swabs were performed (2,461,346 in total since the start of the emergency) and 3,463 antigen tests (4,277,852).

BASILICATA – There are 173 new infections from Coronavirus today, 7 September 2022 in Basilicata, according to Covid data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There has been no death since yesterday. There have been 299 healings in the past 24 hours. There are 32 hospitalized for Covid-19, 3 fewer than yesterday, of which 1 in intensive care. Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are 6,690.

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