Covid Italy, 23,976 infections and 91 deaths: 21 May bulletin

by time news

I’m 23,976 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, May 21, 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. They also register another 91 dead. In the last 24 hours 231,931 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic, with a positive rate of 10.3%. Hospitalizations are down, 242 fewer since yesterday, as well as intensive care units, 6 fewer since yesterday.


LAZIO – There are 2,479 new infections from Coronavirus today, May 21, 2022 in Lazio, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 7 deaths since yesterday. The cases in Rome city are at an altitude of 1,363. In the last 24 hours, 4,967 molecular swabs and 16,956 antigenic swabs were processed with a positivity rate of 11.3%. There are 745 hospitalized patients, 19 fewer since yesterday, 42 intensive care units as busy as yesterday and 3,017 recovered. In detail: in the ASL Roma 1 there are 527 new cases and 1 death in the last 24 hours; in ASL Roma 2 there are 422 new cases and 1 death; in ASL Roma 3 there are 414 new cases and 1 death; in the ASL Roma 4 there are 75 new cases; in Asl Roma 5 there are 230 new cases and 1 death and in Asl Roma 6 there are 232 new cases.

In the provinces there are 579 new cases. In particular, in the Asl di Frosinone there are 164 new cases and 2 deaths; in the ASL of Latina 292 the new cases; in the Asl of Rieti there are 45 new cases and 0 deaths and in the Asl of Viterbo 78 new cases and 1 death.

LOMBARDY – There are 3,287 new coronavirus infections today 21 May 2022 in Lombardy, according to data and numbers from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. There are another 24 deaths. In Lombardy, the current positives are 123,452, down by 1,008 units.

BASILICATA – In Basilicata there are 232 new cases of contagion from Sars Cov-2 out of a total of 1,296 swabs, between molecular and antigenic and there are no deaths from Covid according to the data of the regional bulletin of the last 24 hours. 305 healings were recorded on the same day. There are 68 hospitalized for Covid-19, 3 fewer from yesterday, including 1 in intensive care.

EMILIA ROMAGNA – In Emilia-Romagna there were 1,941 new positives and over 3,300 recovered. There have been 4 deaths in the last 24 hours. Hospitalizations are decreasing in Covid wards, 44 fewer since yesterday, stable in intensive care. There were 13,647 swabs carried out in the last 24 hours with a positivity rate of 14.2%. There are 36 patients currently hospitalized in the intensive care units in Emilia-Romagna, a number unchanged from yesterday. As for the patients hospitalized in the other Covid departments, they are 1,003, 44 less than yesterday. The median age of new positives today is 45.7 years.

The contagion situation in the provinces sees Bologna with 436 new cases, followed by Modena at 311, then, Reggio Emilia at 216, Parma at 207, Ravenna at 187 and Ferrara at 167. 31,263 people in isolation at home.

CALABRIA – According to the Covid-19 emergency bulletin released by the Health Protection Department of the Calabria Region, 834 new infections were recorded on 5,170 swabs, including molecular and antigenic, carried out in the last 24 hours. Since yesterday, 2,148 have been healed and 2 have died for a total of 2,581 deaths in the Region. The bulletin also records -1,316 currently positive, 4 more hospitalizations for a total of 197 and, finally, 2 less intensive therapies for a total of 7.

TUSCANY – In Tuscany there are 1,476 new Covid cases, recorded in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 1,140,291 since the beginning of the Coronavirus health emergency in the Region. New cases are 0.1% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grow by 0.2% and reach 1,096,209.

Today, 1,955 molecular swabs and 10,607 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 11.7% were positive. The currently positive are 34,044 today, -1.1% compared to yesterday. The hospitalized are 381, 5 fewer than yesterday, of which 18 in intensive care, one more. Today there are 3 new deaths: 2 men and one woman with an average age of 76 years.

VALLE D’AOSTA – There are 54 new positives and 67 recovered from Covid in the Aosta Valley in the last 24 hours compared to 299 swabs carried out. The data was disclosed in the bulletin released by the regional administration. The number of hospitalized patients, all in the ordinary wards, dropped from 24 to 20. The number of current positives also dropped, from 1,182 to 1,169. There are no deaths, with 535 remaining since the start of the pandemic.

PIEDMONT – There are 1,254 of which 1,173 in antigen tests, the new positives at Covid in Piedmont. The Region notes it. The swabs carried out are 23,326 of which 21,551 antigen tests, the positive swabs ratio is 5.4%. Ordinary hospitalizations are 435, 26 fewer than yesterday, those in intensive care 22, up by one unit compared to yesterday. One death of a person diagnosed with Covid.

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