Covid Italy, 30,810 infections and 142 deaths: December 27 bulletin

by time news

There are 30,810 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, Monday 27 December 2021, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection and Ministry of Health bulletin. There are also another 142 deaths.

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In the last 24 hours, 343,968 swabs were processed with a positive rate of 9%. There were about one hundred ICU admissions in 24 hours, 1,126 in total. The number of hospitalized patients with symptoms is also rising, 503 more than yesterday and thus bringing the total number of patients in the wards to 9,723.

Since the beginning of the emergency, Covid has infected 5,678,112 people, while the victims rise to 136,753. The healed are 5,003,855, 9,992 in the last 24 hours. To date there are 537,504 positives in Italy, 20,665 more than yesterday.


LOMBARDY – There are 5,065 new infections from Coronavirus today, Monday 27 December 2021 in Lombardy, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 12 deaths since yesterday, bringing the total death toll since the start of the pandemic to 34,952.

In Milan and its province there are 1,961 new Covid positives, of which 870 in the city. As for the other provinces of Lombardy, 339 new cases are recorded in Bergamo, in Brescia 653, in Como 248, in Cremona 109, in Lecco 87, in Lodi 113, in Mantua 147, in Monza 347, in Pavia 331, in Sondrio 136 and in Varese 435.

VENETO – There are 2,816 coronavirus infections in Veneto today, 27 December 2021, according to Covid numbers and data from the region’s bulletin. Recorded 24 more deaths. New cases were detected on 33,648 swabs, the positivity rate was 8.37%.

There are 1,398 (+48) Covid patients hospitalized. In the non-critical area the patients are 1,213 (+35). In intensive care, however, 185 people (+13).

BASILICATA – There are 88 new Coronavirus infections today 27 December in Basilicata, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are no deaths. The new cases, 82 involving residents, were identified out of a total of 621 molecular swabs. There are 44 Lucanians who have been cured or negated.

The number of people hospitalized for Covid-19 is still on the rise, are 52 (+5) of which 1 in intensive care: 27 in the Potenza hospital and 25, of which 1 in intensive care, in the one in Matera. Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are 2,850.

PUGLIA – There are 762 new infections from Coronavirus today 27 December in Puglia, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There is 1 death. The new cases, identified through 25,090 swabs, are distributed as follows by province: Bari: 309; Bat: 39; Brindisi: 85; Foggia: 110; Lecce: 162; Taranto: 48; Residents outside the region: 8; Province in definition: 1.

There are 12,202 people currently positive, 180 hospitalized in a non-critical area, 21 those in intensive care. Overall data since the beginning of the pandemic: 294,308 total cases, 5,441,838 swabs performed, 275,151 people healed, 6,955 people died.

SARDINIA – There are 466 new infections from Coronavirus today, Monday 27 December 2021, in Abruzzo according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There has been no death on the island since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 4,030 swabs, including molecular and antigenic, were processed.

There are 11 patients admitted to intensive care units, one less than yesterday. There are 136 patients hospitalized in the medical area, 8 more than yesterday. 5,740 people in home isolation.

TUSCANY – There are 2,843 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, December 27, 2021, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin, anticipated by Governor Eugenio Giani on Telegram. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 2,843 out of 17,650 tests, of which 10,839 molecular swabs and 6,811 rapid tests.

The rate of new positives is 16.11% (47.2% on the first diagnoses) “, Giani writes, adding that the vaccines currently administered in Tuscany are 7,036,074.

SICILY – There are 2,087 new coronavirus infections in Sicily according to today’s bulletin, December 27th. In addition, another 20 deaths were recorded. 732 patients discharged or recovered. In total, there are 29,864 positives on the island, 1,335 more than yesterday. Palermo is the most affected province with 606 new cases, followed by Catania with 457.

In the meantime, also in the Region the vaccine booster dose for those who have reached the age of 16 and have completed the primary course of anti Covid vaccination for at least five months. The administration can take place by going directly to the nearest vaccination center or by booking. Frail subjects between 12 and 15 years of age can also receive the booster.

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – 154 new coronavirus infections were detected in Friuli Venezia Giulia today, 27 December, on 1,770 molecular swabs and 4,735 rapid antigenic tests. The Covid bulletin of Rigone reports it. Ten deaths, 27 people hospitalized in intensive care, while patients hospitalized in other departments amounted to 284, according to the data.

SOUTH TYROL – There are 236 new coronavirus infections in South Tyrol today, December 27, according to the region’s Covid data bulletin. In the last 24 hours, the laboratories of the health company carried out 573 PCR swabs and recorded 54 new positive cases. Also 182 positive antigenic tests. 89 patients are hospitalized in normal hospital wards, 55 are hospitalized in affiliated private structures and 19 are the number of Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care units. There are no deaths. The total healed are 94,796 (+433).

ABRUZZO – There are 400 new infections from Coronavirus today, Monday 27 December 2021, in Abruzzo according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there has been a victim, a 72-year-old from the province of Chieti, bringing the total deaths in the Region to 2,630. In the last 24 hours, 90 people have recovered. In the past 24 hours, 2,812 molecular swabs and 6,923 antigen tests were performed with a positive rate of 4.1 percent.

154 patients, 10 more than yesterday, were hospitalized in the medical area; 21 in intensive care, the number unchanged from yesterday, while the other 9,239 are in home isolation with active surveillance by the ASL.

Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Chieti at 246, at 66, L’Aquila at 61 and Teramo at 25.

CAMPANIA – There are 2,291 new infections from Coronavirus today, Monday 27 December 2021 in Campania, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 14 deaths have been recorded, of which 8 in the last 48 hours and 6 previously, but marked yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 30,187 tests were processed with a positive rate of 7.58%.

In Campania there are 36 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care, 7 more than yesterday, while 516 Covid patients hospitalized in hospital wards.

CALABRIA – There are 484 new coronavirus infections in Calabria according to today’s bulletin, 27 December. There are also another 8 deaths. 6,245 swabs performed), +266 healed, the total number of deaths rises to 1,591. The bulletin also records +210 currently positive, +24 hospitalized (for a total of 293) and, finally, -5 intensive therapies (for a total of 24).

PIEDMONT – There are 4,611 new coronavirus infections in Piedmont according to today’s bulletin, December 27th. There are also another 13 deaths. The new positives are equal to 9.1% of 50,868 swabs performed, of which 44,693 are antigenic. Of the 4,611 new cases, 3,344 were asymptomatic (72.5%). There are 3,640 screening cases, 766 case contacts, 205 with ongoing investigation. The total of positive cases becomes 458,177, of which 37,215 Alessandria, 22,068 Asti, 14,875 Biella, 64,887 Cuneo, 35,407 Novara, 243,014 Turin, 16,175 Vercelli, 16,834 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 1,952 residents outside the region but in charge of health facilities Piedmontese. The remaining 5,750 are under development and territorial assignment.

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