Covid Italy, 48,483 infections and 156 deaths: 9 March bulletin

by time news

I’m 48,483 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, March 9, 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. There are also 156 other deaths.

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In the last 24 hours, 433,961 swabs were processed with a positivity rate of 11.2%. There are 8,575 hospitalized with symptoms, 201 down from yesterday, and 563, 29 fewer from yesterday, those in intensive care with 43 admissions that day.


LAZIO – There are 5,642 new infections from Coronavirus today, March 9, 2022 in Lazio, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 13 deaths have been recorded. In the last 24 hours, 18,933 molecular swabs and 38,807 antigenic swabs were processed with a positive rate of 9.7%. The cases in Rome city are at 2,540.

The hospitalized are 1,073, 13 more since yesterday, while the intensive care units employed are 89, 3 less since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 7,327 people were healed.

In detail, the cases and deaths in the last 24 hours in the health agencies of the Region. Asl Roma 1: 961 new cases and 3 deaths; Asl Roma 2: there are 939 new cases and 1 death; Asl Roma 3: there are 640 new cases; Asl Roma 4: there are 344 new cases; ASL Roma 5: 488 new cases and 4 deaths; Asl Roma 6: 684 new cases and 0 deaths. In the provinces there are 1,586 new cases: Asl di Frosinone: 523 new cases and 4 deaths; ASL of Latina: 648 new cases and 1 death; Asl di Rieti: there are 208 new cases; Asl di Viterbo: there are 207 new cases.

SARDINIA – There are 1,632 new covid infections in Sardinia according to today’s bulletin, 9 March. There are also another 5 deaths. The new cases emerged from the examination of 265 molecular and 1,367 antigenic swabs. In total, 10,120 tests were processed. Among the 5 victims registered today on the island, also a 37 year old. In northern Sardinia an 85-year-old lost his life, in the Province of South Sardinia two women aged 64 and 76 while in Cagliari an 88-year-old and a 37-year-old man died. Good news comes from the hospital pressure front with three fewer beds occupied in intensive care, which now house 17 patients, and another five who have released themselves in the medical departments, where 318 people remain. There are 23,488 Sardinians in home isolation, 595 fewer than yesterday’s bulletin.

CAMPANIA – There are 4,303 new infections from Coronavirus today, 9 March 2022 in Campania, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 5 deaths since yesterday. In Campania there are 28 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care and 547 those in hospital wards.

VENETO – There are 3,982 new coronavirus infections today 9 March in Veneto, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 14 deaths, considering the difference between the total indicated yesterday by the Ministry of Health and that present in the bulletin released today by the region.

The number of cases is therefore lowered, which yesterday were 5,263, bringing the total since the beginning of the pandemic to 1,362,882. The total of deaths is instead of 13,937. The hospital data is down: 884 (-29) patients are hospitalized in the medical area, and 67 (-6) those in intensive care. The current positives continue to decline, 49,134 (-116).

LOMBARDY – There are 5,583 new infections from Coronavirus today, March 9, 2022 in Lombardy, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 14 deaths in the Region for a total of 38,845 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. In the last 24 hours 63,772 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic, with a positive rate of 8.7%. On the other hand, hospitalized patients are decreasing: in intensive care there are 79, 2 less than yesterday; in ordinary Covid wards 794, 27 less than 24 hours ago. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Milan at 2,023, Brescia at 584 and Varese at 496.

SICILY – There are 4,884 new infections from Coronavirus today, March 9, 2022 in Sicily, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 26 deaths have been recorded, bringing the total number of victims to 9,681. The island is in third place for infections. The positives are 220,062 with a decrease of 6,410 cases. Since yesterday the healed are 12,609.

On the hospital front there are 960 hospitalized with one more hospitalization than yesterday, in intensive care there are 66, three cases more than yesterday.

These are the data of the infection in the individual provinces of Palermo with 1,676 cases, Catania 996, Messina 779, Syracuse 497, Trapani 595, Ragusa 421, Caltanissetta 318, Agrigento 710 and Enna 233.

TUSCANY – There are 3,172 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, March 9, 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. There are another 17 deaths. The new cases, 903 confirmed with molecular swab and 2,269 by rapid antigen test, bring the total to 880,603 from the beginning of the Coronavirus health emergency and are 0.4% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grew by 0.4% and reached 847,535 (96.2% of total cases).

Today 6,886 molecular swabs and 17,764 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 12.9% were positive. On the other hand, 5,947 subjects were tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swab, excluding control swabs), of which 53.3% were positive. The currently positive are 23,889 today, -0.7% compared to yesterday. There are 731 hospitalized (16 fewer than yesterday), of which 43 in intensive care (7 fewer). There are 17 new deaths: 11 men and 6 women with an average age of 84.2 years (4 in Florence, 2 in Prato, 1 in Lucca, 1 in Pisa, 1 in Livorno, 1 in Arezzo, 2 in Siena, 4 in Grosseto, 1 outside Tuscany).

APULIA – There are 4,155 new coronavirus infections today 9 March in Puglia, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 15 deaths. The new cases, identified through 29,169 swabs, are divided as follows by province: Bari: 1,162; Bat: 287; Brindisi: 328; Foggia: 595; Lecce: 1,305; Taranto: 444; Residents outside the region: 24; Province in definition: 10. 75,364 people are currently positive, 531 are hospitalized in a non-critical area, 31 are in intensive care. Overall data: 768,082 total cases, 8,962,702 swabs performed, 684,958 people healed, 7,760 deaths.

PIEDMONT – There are 1,899 new covid infections in Piedmont according to today’s bulletin, 9 March. Also recorded 9 other deaths. The new cases of people tested positive are equal to 7.1% of 26,924 swabs performed, of which 22,587 antigenic. The total of positive cases becomes 998.178, of which 82.996 Alessandria, 45.773 Asti, 38.609 Biella, 132.785 Cuneo, 75.465 Novara, 530.780 Turin, 35.506 Vercelli, 35.894 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 4.920 residents outside the region but in charge of health facilities Piedmontese. The remaining 15,450 are under development and territorial assignment.

VALLE D’AOSTA – There are 45 coronavirus infections in Valle d’Aosta today, 9 March 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. There are no deaths. The total number of people infected by the virus from the beginning of the epidemic to today in the region rises to 31,814. The current positives are 1,326 of which 1,310 in home isolation, 14 hospitalized, two in intensive care.

There are 29,966 people healed to date, an increase of 41 units compared to yesterday’s survey. The total number of cases tested is equal to 129,113, the swabs carried out to date are 473,931. 522 people died with a diagnosis of Covid-19 in Valle d’Aosta from the beginning of the epidemic to today.

CALABRIA – There are 2,532 new coronavirus infections today 9 March 2022 in Calabria, according to data and numbers from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. There are another 7 deaths.

New infections were recorded on 11,453 swabs carried out. +3,057 are healed. In total 2,158 deaths since the beginning of the emergency. The bulletin also records -532 currently positive, +17 hospitalizations (for a total of 309) and, finally, -1 intensive care (for a total of 14).

ABRUZZO – There are 1,211 coronavirus infections in Abruzzo today, 9 March 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. The new cases, aged between 2 months and 94 years, bring the total from the beginning of the emergency – net of realignments – to 273,273. Of the infected today, 774 were identified through rapid antigen tests. The death toll of patients records 3 new cases (it is an 82-year-old from the province of Chieti, while 2 cases refer to deaths that occurred in the past few days and reported only today by the ASL) and rises to 3,006. The jars compared to yesterday are 4,945 compared to yesterday.

The currently positives in Abruzzo are 62,512 (- 3,739 compared to yesterday). There are 276 patients (-2 compared to yesterday) hospitalized in the medical area; 10 (-4 compared to yesterday) in intensive care, while the other 62,226 (-3,733 compared to yesterday) are in home isolation with active surveillance by the ASL. In the last 24 hours, 3,922 molecular swabs and 7,840 antigen tests were performed. The positivity rate, calculated on the sum of molecular swabs and antigen tests of the day, is equal to 10.29%.

BASILICATA – There are 611 new coronavirus infections today 9 March 2022 in Basilicata, according to data and numbers from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. No new deaths. The new positive cases were detected on a total of 3,031 swabs (molecular and antigenic). 1,517 healings were recorded. The hospitalized for Covid-19 are 88 (-3) of which 1 in intensive care: 55 (of which 1 in TI) in the Potenza hospital; 33 in that of Matera. Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are about 19 thousand.

For the vaccination, 630 injections were made yesterday. So far, 467,447 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (84.5 percent of the population which amounts to 553,254 residents), 438,970 have received the second (79.3 percent) and 342,532 are the third doses (61.9 percent). , for a total of 1,248,966 administrations carried out.

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 748 new coronavirus infections today 9 March 2022 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, according to data and numbers from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. There are 4 other deaths. In detail, today in Friuli Venezia Giulia, out of 5,029 molecular swabs, 328 new infections have been detected, with a positive percentage of 6.52%. Furthermore, 5,047 rapid antigenic tests have been carried out, from which 420 cases (8.32%) were detected. The number of people hospitalized in intensive care remains 9, while patients hospitalized in other departments drop to 145. This was announced by the deputy governor of the Region with responsibility for Health Riccardo Riccardi.

As regards the trend of the spread of the virus among the population, the most affected group is the 40-49 year old (19.25%), followed by the 50-59 (16.44%) and 14-19 (11.10%) %). Today the deaths of 4 people are recorded: a 90-year-old woman from Fogliano Redipuglia (who died in hospital), a 79-year-old woman from Tavagnacco (who died in hospital), a 77-year-old man with foreign residence (who died in hospital in Udine) and a 58-year-old man from Tolmezzo (who died in an RSA). Overall deaths amounted to 4,819, with the following territorial subdivision: 1,179 in Trieste, 2,296 in Udine, 916 in Pordenone and 428 in Gorizia. The totally healed are 291,419, the clinically healed 210, while the people in isolation are 16,900. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 313,502 people have been positive.

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