Covid Italy, 6,032 infections and 68 deaths: November 9 bulletin

by time news

There are 6,032 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, Tuesday 9 November 2021, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. There are also another 68 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 645,689 swabs were processed with a positive rate of 0.9%. The intensive care units employed are 421, 6 more than yesterday. 4,586,009 have recovered, 4,613 since yesterday.

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There are 3,436 hospitalized patients with symptoms, 74 more than yesterday.


LOMBARDY – There are 849 new coronavirus infections in Lombardy according to today’s bulletin, 9 November. There are also 4 other deaths. There are 121 new cases in the city of Milan. In the Region, 144,283 swabs were carried out, for a positivity rate of 0.5%. There are 47 people in intensive care (+1), while non-intensive care patients are 379 (+31). The overall total of deaths is 34,205. This was reported by the Region in the daily bulletin. More in detail, here are the new cases by province: Milan: 270 of which 121 in the city of Milan; Bergamo: 46; Brescia: 102; Como: 29; Cremona: 26; Lecco: 23; Praise: 29; Mantua: 34; Monza and Brianza: 85; Pavia: 35; Sondrio: 10; Varese: 111.

LAZIO – There are 773 new infections from Coronavirus today 9 November in Lazio, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 12 deaths in the region. In the past 24 hours there have been 12,409 molecular swabs and 21,611 antigenic swabs with a 2.2% positivity rate. There were 523 hospitalized patients, 13 more, while the intensive care units employed remained stable at 61. Since yesterday, 694 have been healed. The cases in Rome city are at 343.

These are the numbers company by company. Asl Roma 1: 92 new cases and 2 deaths in the last 24 hours; Asl Roma 2: 163 new cases and 3 deaths in the last 24 hours; ASL Roma 3: 88 new cases and 0 deaths in the last 24 hours; Asl Roma 4: there are 73 new cases with 1 death in the last 24 hours; Asl Roma 5: there are 58 new cases and 2 deaths in the last 24 hours; Asl Roma 6: there are 107 new cases with 1 death in the last 24 hours.

In the provinces there are 192 new cases. Asl di Frosinone: 63 new cases and 0 deaths in the last 24 hours; ASL of Latina: there are 22 new cases and 3 deaths in the last 24 hours; Asl di Rieti: there are 37 new cases and 0 deaths in the last 24 hours; Asl di Viterbo: there are 70 new cases and 0 deaths in the last 24 hours.

CAMPANIA – There are 493 new coronavirus infections registered in Campania today, 9 November, according to the Covid bulletin released by the regional crisis unit. 29,252 tests performed. There are also 13 new deaths, 5 of which occurred in the last 48 hours and 8 occurred previously, but recorded yesterday. In Campania there are 18 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care and 281 Covid patients hospitalized in hospital wards.

ABRUZZO – There are 114 new coronavirus infections today 9 November 2021 in Abruzzo, according to data from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. No new deaths. The new positive cases bring the total from the beginning of the emergency to 83,882. The death toll remains steady at 2566. The number of positive cases also includes 78963 discharged / cured (+115 compared to yesterday). The currently positives in Abruzzo (calculated by subtracting the number of discharged / recovered and deceased from the total of positives) are 2353 (-1 compared to yesterday). This was communicated by the Regional Health Department, specifying that the total also includes 434 cases concerning patients lost to follow-up since the beginning of the emergency, on which checks are underway.

Seventy-seven patients (+4 compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in the medical area; 7 (unchanged compared to yesterday) in intensive care, while the other 2269 (-5 compared to yesterday) are in home isolation with active surveillance by the ASL. In the last 24 hours, 3103 molecular swabs were performed (1509335 in total since the start of the emergency) and 12124 antigen tests (1131729).

The positivity rate, calculated on the sum of molecular swabs and antigen tests of the day, is equal to 0.74 percent. Of the total number of positive cases, 21574 are resident or domiciled in the province of L’Aquila (+50 compared to yesterday), 21200 in the province of Chieti (+12), 19961 in the province of (+18), 20337 in the province of Teramo ( +34), 683 outside the region (+1) and 127 (-1) for which provenance checks are underway.

TUSCANY – There are 234 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, November 9, 2021, according to the covid data of the region’s bulletin. There are three other deaths. The 234 new Covid cases (225 confirmed with molecular swab and 9 by rapid antigen test), bring the total to 292,416 since the beginning of the coronavirus health emergency. New cases are 0.1% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grew by 0.1% and reached 278,462 (95.2% of total cases).

Today, 6,521 molecular swabs and 28,898 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 0.7% were positive. On the other hand, 7,513 subjects tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swab, excluding control swabs), of which 3.1% tested positive. The currently positive are 6,643 today, + 0.1% compared to yesterday. The hospitalized are 305 (stable compared to yesterday), of which 28 in intensive care (stable). 3 new deaths registered: a man and 2 women with an average age of 77.7 years (2 in Florence, 1 in Prato).

VENETO – Covid infections in Veneto are rising significantly, which today records 883 new positives and 7 deaths in the region’s bulletin for the last 24 hours. The positives since the beginning of the epidemic reach 486,261, that of deaths to 11,856. The number of people admitted to hospitals in non-critical areas is also growing, today at 261 (+4), and those in intensive care at 58 (+6).

PUGLIA – There are 241 new coronavirus infections today 9 November in Puglia, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There was 1 death. The new cases were identified through 22,230 swabs carried out and are divided as follows by province: Bari: 42; Bat: 19; Brindisi: 23; Foggia: 26; Lecce: 39; Taranto: 89; Residents outside the region: 3; Province in definition: 0.

There are 3,531 people currently positive, 152 people hospitalized in a non-critical area and 19 those in intensive care. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 274,595 cases have been registered in the region, 4,355,237 tests performed, 264,211 people healed and 6,853 people who died.

CALABRIA – There are 150 new Coronavirus infections registered in Calabria today, November 9, according to the Covid-19 emergency bulletin released by the Health Protection Department of the Region. 5,431 swabs carried out. The bulletin also records 2 deaths (for a total of 1,457 deaths), +174 recovered, -26 currently positive, -21 in isolation, -4 hospitalized and, finally, -1 intensive care (for a total of 7).

BASILICATA – There are 24 new coronavirus infections in Basilicata according to today’s bulletin, 9 November. On the other hand, there are no new deaths. The total is 767 molecular swabs carried out in the last 24 hours. The Lucanians recovered or negativized are 8. The hospitalized in the hospitals of Potenza and Matera are 24 (-1) of which none in intensive care while the current positives residing in Basilicata are in all 895 (+16).

For the vaccination, 1,722 administrations were carried out yesterday, of which over a thousand are third doses. So far 433,904 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (78.4 per cent of the total resident population), 396,797 have completed the vaccination cycle (71.7 per cent) and 11,625 are the third doses, for a total of 842,326 administrations carried out. .

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 234 new infections from Coronavirus today 9 November in Friuli Venezia Giulia, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 3 deaths: a 75 year old from Trieste, an 80 year old from San Dorligo della Valle and a 91 year old from Mortegliano. In the last 24 hours, 5,385 molecular swabs were processed with a positive percentage of 4.35% and 25,576 rapid antigenic tests with a percentage of 0.21%.

The intensive care units employed are 19, while the patients in other departments are 124. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the deaths in the Region have been 3,879. The totally healed are 112,323, the clinically healed 108, while the people in isolation are 3,380.

VALLE D’AOSTA – There are 11 new infections from Coronavirus today 9 November in Valle d’Aosta, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There has been no death from Covid since yesterday. The current positives are 83 of which 77 in home isolation and six hospitalized. The cases tested to date are 93,673, while the swabs carried out so far are a total of 244,582. The deaths of people tested positive for the virus in Valle d’Aosta since the beginning of the epidemic are 474.

SARDINIA – There are 40 new infections from Coronavirus today 9 November in Sardinia, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There has been no death since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 15,524 molecular and antigenic swabs were processed.

There are 6 patients admitted to intensive care units, while there are 52, three more than yesterday, in the medical area. There are 1,493 in home isolation, 2 more than yesterday.

SICILY – There are 504 new infections from Coronavirus today 9 November in Sicily, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. 11 deaths have been recorded since yesterday, but they all refer to the past few days. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the victims have been 7,060 in the Region. Of the current positives, 346 hospitalized with symptoms are present, while 48 patients are in intensive care. This is the breakdown of the new cases on a provincial basis: 110 in Palermo, 110 in Catania, 134 in Messina, 7 in Ragusa, 43 in Trapani, 35 in Syracuse, 17 in Caltanissetta, 35 in Agrigento and 13 in Enna.

PIEDMONT – There are 418 new infections from Coronavirus today 9 November in Piedmont, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 7 deaths have been recorded, but only one is from today and the others refer to previous days. In the last 24 hours, 59,947 swabs were processed, of which 51,308 were antigenic, with a positivity rate of 0.7%. Intensive care units employed are 24, one less than yesterday, while non-intensive care patients are 233, 9 more than yesterday. There are 4,697 people in home isolation. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 11,835 deaths in the Region. A total of 374,810 patients healed, 316 in the last 24 hours.

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