Covid Italy, hospitalizations up in 7 regions: data and news

by time news

The percentage of occupancy of Covid intensive care beds at national level in Italy rises from 3 to 4%. On the other hand, the share of Covid beds in the non-critical area remains stable today, at 5%, according to the latest data, as of 9 August, by the Agency for Health Services (Agenas) on the Covid-19 portal of the institution. But there are 7 Regions in which there is an increase of 1% of Covid patients in the non-critical area wards of hospitals: they are Abruzzo (reached 4%), Campania (7%), Emilia Romagna (at 5%), Lazio (at 7%), Molise (at 2%), Puglia (at 4%) and Sicily, which reached 14%, thus touching the threshold of 15%, a parameter for change in color of the regions, from white to yellow. Sardinia has 11% of the intensive care beds occupied, a figure that projects it towards the change of color. The Veneto, on the other hand, goes against the trend and sees a decline of 1%.

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The regions in which the occupancy of beds in intensive care has risen by one percentage point are 4: Emilia Romagna (4%), Lazio (7%), Lombardy (3%) and Tuscany (5%).

Looking at the data published on Agenas, it can be seen that the central-southern regions are those in which the covid weighs the most in the medical area. Sicily, in fact, is followed by Calabria (at 11%), Basilicata, Campania, Lazio and Sardinia (at 7%).

According to the new parameters set by the government decree on 23 July, people remain in the white zone if there are less than 50 weekly infections per 100 thousand inhabitants, if the occupancy rate of intensive care units does not exceed 10% and if the beds are occupied of hospital wards do not exceed 15%.

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