Covid Italy, latest news: Ricciardi’s alarm

by time news

2023-09-22 14:12:06

“Today the data on Covid 19 infections are totally unreliable considering that the tests are not done systematically, in practice there is a lack of real monitoring”. This is the alarm raised to Salute by Walter Ricciardi, professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University of Rome. “The numbers that interest us – underlines the expert – are those of the pressure on hospitals and healthcare facilities and this, at the moment, remains tolerable, absolutely contained”.

But even if hospital pressure remains low “we cannot be satisfied because the virus is spreading and has a great diffusion capacity. It must be fought. We must invest in surveillance”.

In this phase in which Sars-Cov-2 is expanding again “if we do not activate coordinated surveillance and prevention strategies, we are at the mercy of events. At the moment none of this exists. We need to be quick, because time is everything “. Ricciardi recalls that the American government “just yesterday launched a free Covid testing program to facilitate monitoring of the virus. We are talking about a care system that is private. But it is a good example”.

And even more so, “a public system like ours must act. Give indications. Without guidelines based on scientific evidence we are doing it ourselves. We don’t need improvised measures, especially with regards to the structures most at risk such as schools, hospitals and healthcare homes – he underlines – These deserve a coordinated strategy which, naturally, must come from the institutions. We need surveillance to know where we are going; prevention to avoid worse consequences; coordination to ensure that everyone has evidence-based guidelines And we need to act soon.”

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