Covid law: the leaders of political groups in the Senate refused to serve the BonSens mail

by time news

Between July 5 and July 7, the association sent a 21-page registered letter to deputies and senators containing annexes relating to the most recent scientific data on the fundamental points concerning vaccination against Covid-19. 19. This document highlights in particular the negative impact of the injection on the contamination and transmission of the virus, as well as the side effects of the product, now increasingly recognized at institutional and media level. The recommendation of the ANSM, which on July 19 enjoined vaccinated women suffering from menstrual disorders since their injection to report it on the portal of the Ministry of Health, attests to this.

See also: Risks of anti-Covid vaccination: BonSens alerts parliamentarians

The association’s letter was intended to enlighten and inform parliamentarians in the context of the examination and debates in the National Assembly and then in the Senate of the new “Covid law”. However, as the association reports in a press release published on July 23, the heads of the various political groups in the Senate, which includes nine of them, all refused on July 19 to serve this letter on the two appointed ushers. ” Never seen “, according to one of the ushers. ” VSThis constitutes a real denial of consideration for the citizens », for one of the administrators of BonSens, . And the association, which announces that it “ has decided not to leave it at that and is considering various legal actions “, to conclude:” A group leader thus refusing a letter from citizens is surprising and the question arises about the legitimacy of their role as well as political parties. ».

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