Covid, one in ten people does not regain sense of smell and taste

by time news

In many patients the Covid-19 causes the loss ofsmell he was born in like. And after healing, one in ten still does not smell and taste. Suffering dianosmia (smell deficit) and ageusia (taste deficit) can have a profound effect on the quality of life, but an innovative anti-neuroinflammation therapy, able to act on the control of alterations in the nervous system, promises to fully recover the functions in a few months. The first results emerge from a study conducted, with the enrollment of a hundred patients, by the team of Dr. Arianna Di Stadio, Research Coordinator in Otolaryngology and Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Perugia, started at November 2020.

“The study starts from the hypothesis that the cause of the loss of smell affects the central nervous system. Hypothesis confirmed by the results of the work itself and by other previous scientific studies, which overcome the theory of peripheral obstruction – explains Drssa Di Stadio – The virus therefore determines an infection and inflammation of the brain which, by altering the signal transmission processes , produces total or partial repercussions on the sense of smell with the risk that, once the structure (the olfactory bulb) has atrophied, the anosmia becomes irrecoverable. The brain repairs the damage autonomously over a period of one / two years, but if this does not happen it is important to intervene as soon as possible, undergoing treatments capable of restoring the ability to smell and taste within a few months of the manifestation of the disorder “.

The study is currently being conducted at the Fano hospital but new centers in Italy are being enrolled (Rome and Cagliari) to increase the number of patients and offer wider coverage throughout the country for the treatment of this problem. The patients included up to now had anosmia for more than three months after the negativization of buffer Covid.

“The patients were divided into two groups, both subjected to Sniff-test to stimulate the recovery of smell, but only one treated with the innovative anti-neuroinflammation therapy, able to act on the control of alterations in the central nervous system, through the reduction of neuroinflammation in favor of neuroprotection, through the reduction of localized oxidative stress, both related to the onset of important pathologies of the central nervous system. The new therapy molecule modulates the interaction between dysregulated non-neuronal cells, mast cells, microglia and astrocytes, repairing neuronal damage. The data shows that patients taking the supplement recovered 100% more ”, says the expert.

“The preliminary data already analyzed are promising – continues Arianna Di Stadio – Patients with partial anosmia, taking supplements to assist in the recovery of the olfactory function, regained their sense of smell in 30 days, while patients with severe anosmia in 30 days had improved their olfactory capacity, requiring a 3-month treatment for a full recovery of function. At the same time, the data show that waiting for a spontaneous recovery is counterproductive, because the disorder progresses and worsens, until it becomes no longer treatable once two months have passed from healing from Covid since chronicization causes atrophy of the olfactory bulb “.

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