Covid, Rt Italia drops again: it is at 0.78

by time news

The index goes down again Rt in Italy, now at 0.78. Last week it was 0.86. This is what Adnkronos Health learns from the meeting of the control room of the Higher Institute of Health-Ministry of Health on infections from Covid 19, still in progress. “This week still accelerates the decline in incidence“, equal to” 73 per 100 thousand inhabitants (10-16 May) vs 103 per 100 thousand (3-9 May), data from the ISS flow “, what emerges from the draft of the ISS-Ministry of Health report on the monitoring of Covid data relating to the week from May 10 to 16. The incidence figure from the Ministry of Health flow is 66/100 thousand, compared to 96/100 thousand last week.

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All Regions and Autonomous Provinces “they have an average Rt lower than 1, and therefore a transmissibility compatible with a type 1 scenario”. I am therefore “classified as low risk“, still highlights the draft. This week, moreover,” no Region or Autonomous Province exceeds the critical threshold for occupancy of beds in intensive care or medical area “.

The ICU employment rate is below the critical threshold (19%), with a decrease in the number of hospitalized people from 2,056 (May 11) to 1,689 (May 18). The employment rate in medical areas nationwide drops further (19%). The number of people hospitalized in these areas goes from 14,937 (May 11) to 11,539 (May 18) “, highlights the document.

“The percentage of cases detected through contact tracing activity is increasing (41.9% versus 40.3% last week). The percentage of cases detected through the appearance of symptoms was stable (38.1% versus 38%). Finally, 19.9% ​​were diagnosed through screening activities “, reads the draft, which continues:” There is a further decrease in the number of new cases not associated with transmission chains (13,565 compared to 19,619 the previous week ” , states the report.

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