Covid, study: neuroinflammation even in those who are not sick

by time news

Neuroinflammation was also identified in the brains of subjects who “despite not having been affected by Covid-19 have suffered the stress of the restrictions caused by the spread of the pandemic”. This is what a Harvard University study, published in ‘Brain Behavior and Immunity’, coordinated by Marco La Loggia, at the Department of Biomedical Imaging of the Massachusetts General Hospital has shown.

“The researchers retrospectively studied the brains of some healthy pre-pandemic subjects using RNM and PET and compared them with healthy, Covid-negative subjects analyzed during the pandemic period. In addition to the imaging study, in the two groups of patients were evaluated for some inflammatory elements present in the blood and the presence of clinical symptoms – underlines the research – The subjects analyzed during the pandemic reported mood disorders in 54% of cases, mental (36%) and physical (27%) fatigue The Pet and MRI study identified areas of increased function, indicative of neuro-inflammation; in particular, the site of inflammation was symptom-specific, so patients with chronic fatigue had an increase in signal in the intraparietal sulcus, those with mood and fatigue disturbances had hyperactivation in the hippocampus. ”

“There are various elements that may have contributed to neuroinflammation during the period of the Covid pandemic, stress that at low levels has a beneficial effect, in excess determines a series of inflammatory cascades that affect other parts of the body in addition to the brain – explains Arianna. Di Stadio neuroscientist, professor at the University of Catania and honorary researcher at the Neuroinflammation Laboratory of the Ucl Queen Square Neurology in London engaged in various studies on neuroinflammation – An example are muscle-tension headache and back pain. the absence of social relationships we know to have a very negative impact on the brain, as demonstrated by various studies carried out on elderly people with sensory deficits who, due to limited social relationships, have an early degradation of cognitive functions which can also be seen through diagnostic investigations “.

“During the pandemic, walking, sporting activity was reduced and both activities have a great effect in reducing the Ros, the waste produced by our body. Nutrition – specifies Di Stadio – has become a source of stress relief with a fallback on junk food which has a consoling effect, but which increases inflammatory indices. Finally, sleep disturbances due to stress have further contributed to increasing inflammatory indices; the latter aspect has a major impact on neuro-inflammation because it is during sleep that our brain eliminates the waste produced during daytime activity.

“This very interesting study opens new horizons not only of research but also of treatment; in fact, today we know that early treatment of neuroinflammation could protect against the onset of neurodegenerative diseases”, concludes the neuroscientist.

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