“Covid today” Chonburi 7 more deaths, total ATK 5,594 infected.

by time news

covid today(22 Apr 2022) Covid-19 situation, Chonburi province There are 882 new cases reported, excluding ATK Another 4,712 cases reporteddied7 more deaths, total of 238 deaths

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covid today” April 22, 2022, Chonburi province has882 new cases of COVID-19 income not included ATK 4,712 more, 7 more deaths

As of April 22, 2022 Chonburi have someonevaccinateComplete 3 needles 984,013 people, which in this month There are those who have completed 3 vaccinations, 8,641 infected (sickness rate 878.14 per 100,000 population), 8 deaths (0.81 per 100,000 population), 6 intubated (0.61 per 100,000 population), 20 pneumonia (2.03 per 100,000 population). population)

There are 1,918,667 people who have been vaccinated with 2 injections, which this month. There are 6,217 people who have completed 2 vaccinations (morbidity rate 324.03 per 100,000 population), 29 deaths (1.51 per 100,000 population), 27 intubation (1.41 per 100,000 population), 25 pneumonia (1.30). per hundred thousand population)

As for those who were vaccinated with only 1 dose of 142,831 and 267,575 unvaccinated, a total of 410,406 people were found in this month, 8,221 unvaccinated and unvaccinated cases (sickness rate 2,003.14 per 100,000 population), 59 deaths (14.38 per 100,000 population), 32 intubation (7.80 per 100,000 population), 56 pneumonia (13.63 per 100,000 population)

7 new deaths found today

  • Case 1 is 85 years old.
  • The second case was 78 years old.
  • 3rd case, 96 years old
  • 4th case, 71 years old
  • Case 5, age 60 years
  • Case 6, 98 years old
  • Case 7 is 70 years old.

Causes leading to deathis to bethe elderly and havecongenital disease including diabetes, high blood pressure abnormal blood lipids chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Case 1 has a history of receiving 2 doses of vaccination on January 27, 2022.
  • The second case has a history of receiving 2 doses of vaccination on September 23, 2021.
  • The third case has a history of receiving 2 doses of vaccination on August 10, 2021.
  • The other four had no vaccination history.

so thevaccinatecomplete the criteria, especially the third needle which is a stimulant needle that people who live in Chonburi province have not received many injections Getting a booster shot will help reduce the severity of COVID-19. especially Elderly people with chronic diseases Residents in Chonburi Province who have not been vaccinated or who have not received complete vaccination criteria have always had a high rate of severe symptoms and death. Ask for cooperation to receive complete vaccination needles according to the criteria.

Now there is a widespread outbreak in Chonburi province. restaurant selling alcohol All customers must be screened with ATK. Now there are many outbreaks in the establishment. Employees must be fully vaccinated in accordance with the criteria and strictly in organizational measures.

1. Quit work without socializing

2. Food must not be eaten close by.

3. Sick must stop

4. Joint touch point Must be cleaned often, such as knobs, handrails, finger scans, signatures, and you must wash your hands immediately.

5. Strict personal hygiene Wear a mask all the time, wash your hands often, stay away from each other.

for close contactspeople infected with COVID-19 Strict quarantine is required. do not go out to spread the infection Preventing the spread of COVID-19 in Chonburi Based on the balance between disease control, economic and social

Factors affecting the speed of the spread of COVID-19 depending on the movement of people outside the home intimacy including the length of time in close contact with each other In addition to not being strict in personal hygiene. If you don’t wash your hands before touching your face The virus enters the nose, mouth, and eyes, causing infection and spreading.

inThe situation at COVID-19 There is a widespread outbreak until it may become a local disease The germs are not gone. make it possible to get infected but must not cause an epidemic until the secondary health system cannot and must not die Therefore, we ask for cooperation from all sectors to follow the disease control measures of Chonburi Province.

search for target keep on point join the vaccination to endemic disease

1. Find the right target People with flu symptoms, the elderly, people with chronic diseases Those who have not received complete vaccination are more vulnerable to violence than other groups Must be screened with ATK

2. Keep an eye on the spot a place where there are some peculiarities Risk of violence or risk of being difficult to control the outbreak If an outbreak occurs Must be screened with ATK on a regular basis, such as hospitals, schools, shelters for people with disabilities. restaurant selling alcohol Elderly people who are at high risk or have a congenital disease

3. Join the vaccination Vaccines can reduce the severity of COVID-19. Those who have been vaccinated can still be infected with covid-19 still need personal hygiene We ask for your cooperation in vaccination. to reduce the speed of the outbreak and reduce the severity of COVID-19 especially the elderly and those with congenital disease There are still deaths from COVID-19. Most of them are elderly and have congenital disease. and is not vaccinated

4. To endemic diseases COVID-19 has reduced the severity And eventually becoming endemic. Everyone protects themselves according to universal protection measures. Maintain strict personal hygiene. especially during the widespread outbreak in order to slow down the outbreak not to be too fast ATK screening measures should be implemented first and can be isolated at home if there are no symptoms and are not an elderly group or have underlying disease that is more at risk of violence than other groups.

Source: Chonburi Provincial Public Health Office, Chonburi Province

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