Covid today Italy, 196,224 infections and 313 deaths: January 12 bulletin

by time news

I am 196,224 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, January 12, 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. They also register another 313 dead.

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In the last 24 hours, 1,190,567 swabs were processed with a 16.4% positivity rate. There are 242 more patients, 8 fewer in intensive care.


LAZIO – There are 12,027 new infections from Coronavirus in Lazio according to today’s bulletin, January 12, 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 15 deaths. In the last 24 hours, 29,612 molecular swabs and 79,927 antigenic swabs were processed with a positive rate of 10.9%. Cases in Rome city are at 5,063.

There are 1,629 hospitalized in Covid ordinary wards, 56 more since yesterday, 202 intensive care units occupied, 6 more in the last 24 hours. Since yesterday the healed have been 4,993. “Compared to Wednesday of last week there are 4,437 fewer positive cases” underlines the councilor for health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.

In detail, the cases and deaths recorded in the last 24 hours in hospitals in Lazio. Asl Roma 1: there are 1,695 new cases and 1 death; Asl Roma 2: there are 2,712 new cases and 1 death; Asl Roma 3: there are 656 new cases; Asl Roma 4: there are 872 new cases and 2 deaths; Asl Roma 5: there are 1,082 new cases and 3 deaths; ASL Roma 6: 1,746 new cases and 3 deaths; In the provinces there are 3,264 new cases; Asl di Frosinone: there are 850 new cases; ASL of Latina: there are 1,312 new cases and 5 deaths; Asl di Rieti: there are 491 new cases; Asl di Viterbo: there are 611 new cases.

PIEDMONT – There are 17,140 new infections from Coronavirus in Piedmont according to today’s bulletin, January 12, 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 16 deaths. Positive rate of 17.3% on 99,388 swabs performed, of which 83,303 antigenic. There are 147 hospitalized in intensive care, one less than yesterday, while those in ordinary Coronavirus wards are 1,934, 23 more than yesterday. There are 154,733 people in home isolation. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 12,207 people have died in the region.

LOMBARDY – There are 41,050 new coronavirus infections in Lombardy according to today’s bulletin, 12 January. There are also 91 other deaths. In Milan city there are 5,095 new cases. 35,610 the total number of victims since the beginning of the pandemic. Compared to 223,167 swabs carried out, the positive / test ratio is equal to 18.3%. Intensive care admissions drop: 253 (-3) while non-intensive care hospitalized patients rise to 3,317 (+115).

In particular, there are 12,065 new positives at Covid in the province of Milan, of which 5,095 in the city of Milan. As for the other provinces, 4,026 new cases are recorded in Bergamo, 5,880 in Brescia, 2,637 in Como, 1,395 in Cremona, 1,292 in Lecco, 994 in Lodi, 1,550 in Mantua, 3,597 in Monza, 3,597 in Pavia 2,127, in Sondrio 735 and in Varese 3,337.

BASILICATA – There are 938 new coronavirus infections today 12 January in Basilicata, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are no deaths. The new cases (909 concern residents) were identified on a total of 2,745 molecular swabs. There are 267 healings. There are 74 (-4) hospitalized for Covid-19, of which 1 (-1) in intensive care: 41 (of which 1 in TI) in the Potenza hospital; 33 in that of Matera. Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are over 11,700. For the vaccination, 6,807 administrations were made yesterday. So far 451,312 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (81.6 percent of the population which amounts to 553,254 residents), 416,538 have received the second (75.3 percent) and 210,298 are the third doses (38 percent), for a total of 1,078,148 administrations carried out.

ABRUZZO – There are 3,912 new infections from Coronavirus in Abruzzo according to today’s bulletin, Wednesday 12 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another 7 deaths. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the victims have been 2,680 in Abruzzo. In the last 24 hours, 667 people have recovered. In the past 24 hours, 7,088 molecular swabs and 28,345 antigen tests were performed with a positivity rate of 11.04 percent.

338 patients are hospitalized in the Covid medical area, while 35 are in intensive care, 3 more since yesterday. 57,247 people in home isolation. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases: Chieti with 1,134 infections since yesterday, at 992 and L’Aquila at 725.

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 4,651 new coronavirus infections today 12 January in Friuli Venezia Giulia, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 6 deaths. On 12,587 molecular swabs, 1,541 new cases were detected, with a positivity rate of 12.24%. There are also 18,347 rapid antigenic tests performed, from which 3,110 cases (16.95%) were detected. There are 40 people hospitalized in intensive care, 35 of whom are not vaccinated, while patients hospitalized in other departments drop to 351. This was announced by the deputy governor of the Region with responsibility for Health, Riccardo Riccardi.

VALLE D’AOSTA – There are 622 new infections from Coronavirus in Valle d’Aosta according to today’s bulletin, 12 January 2022, with data from the Region. The table refers to another dead person. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 492 victims in the Region.

In the Aosta Valley there are currently 5,541 positives, of which 5,485 in home isolation, 51 hospitalized and 5 in intensive care. Since yesterday 248 people have healed.

VENETO – There are 19,811 new coronavirus infections in Veneto today, 12 January 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. Another 32 deaths have been registered, bringing the total deaths to 12,621. Covid patients admitted to hospital are decreasing: there are 1,387 patients in the medical area (-117) and 197 in intensive care (-5).

CAMPANIA – There are 27,034 new coronavirus infections today 12 January in Campania, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 20 deaths. The new cases emerged from the analysis of 118,028 tests. Of the new cases, 14,035 were positive for antigen swab (out of 64,401 antigenic tests analyzed) and 12,999 were positive for molecular swab (out of 53,627 molecular swabs). Since yesterday, today’s bulletin released by the Crisis Unit of the Campania Region reports both the positive data of the antigen test and that of the molecular swabs, up to two days ago the only one reported under the heading “positive of the day”.

EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 18,631 new coronavirus infections today 12 January in Emilia Romagna, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 19 deaths. Since the start of the Coronavirus epidemic, there have been 730,330 positive cases. The new cases were identified out of a total of 73,593 swabs performed in the last 24 hours: the percentage of new positives on the number of swabs made is therefore 25.3%. This is the data communicated to the Ministry of Health, to which 1,145 new cases registered in Piacenza and the province since yesterday must be added, which could not be uploaded due to a detection problem. The data will be recovered in the next few days. The overall total today would therefore be 19,776 cases.

SARDINIA – There are 1,307 new coronavirus infections in Sardinia according to today’s bulletin, 12 January. There is also another death. 5,575 people tested. A total of 20,710 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic. There are 27 patients admitted to intensive care units (1 fewer than yesterday). The patients admitted to the medical area are 215 (1 less than yesterday). 17,606 are the cases of home isolation (828 more than yesterday). The death of 1 71-year-old woman residing in the province of Southern Sardinia was recorded.

TUSCANY – There are 13,341 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, 12 January 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin anticipated by Governor Eugenio Giani on Telegram. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 13,341 out of 72,195 tests of which 25,068 molecular swabs and 47,127 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 18.48% (69.6% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani, adding that the vaccines currently administered in Tuscany are 7,514,903.

PUGLIA – There are 3,993 new coronavirus infections today 12 January in Puglia, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are no deaths. The new cases, identified through 86,037 swabs, are distributed as follows by province: Bari: 1,298; Bat: 258; Brindisi: 478; Foggia: 406; Lecce: 1,000; Taranto: 500; Residents outside the region: 45; Province in definition: 8. There are 65,772 people currently positive, 490 people hospitalized in a non-critical area and 51 in intensive care. Overall data: 367,476 total cases, 6,515,241 swabs performed, 294,676 people recovered and 7,028 deaths.

SOUTH TYROL – There are 2,312 new coronavirus infections in South Tyrol according to today’s bulletin, 12 January. On the other hand, there are no new deaths. In the last 24 hours, the laboratories of the health company carried out 2,545 PCR swabs and recorded 484 new positive cases. In addition, 1,828 positive antigen tests are recorded.

There are 73 hospitalized in normal hospital wards and 58 in private facilities with agreements, while 48 patients in isolation in the Colle Isarco structures. 17 patients are hospitalized in intensive care units. Total healed are 102,810 (+836).

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