Covid today Italy, 24,691 infections and 124 deaths: August 19th bulletin

by time news

There are 24,691 new infections from Coronavirus in Italy today, 19 August 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. There are also 124 other deaths. In the last 24 hours, 158,905 swabs were processed with a positive rate of 15.5%. Intensive care units are down, 8 fewer since yesterday, and hospitalizations, 243 fewer since yesterday.

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LAZIO – There are 1,802 new infections from Coronavirus today, August 19, 2022 in Lazio, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 10 deaths since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 13,606 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic, with a positivity rate of 13.2%. There are 723 hospitalized patients, 6 fewer since yesterday, and 43 intensive care units occupied, 3 fewer since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 5,829 people have been healed. The cases in Rome city are at an altitude of 800.

In detail: the ASL Roma 1 records 225 new cases in the last 24 hours; in ASL Roma 2 there are 357 new cases and 1 death; in ASL Roma 3 there are 218 new cases and 1 death; in the ASL Roma 4 there are 82 new cases and 1 death; in ASL Roma 5 there are 132 new cases and 2 deaths; in the ASL Roma 6 there are 166 new cases and 4 deaths.

In the provinces there are 622 new cases: the Asl of Frosinone counts 249 new cases and 0 deaths; in the ASL of Latina there are 235 new cases and 1 death; in the Asl of Rieti there are 42 new cases and 0 deaths and in the Asl of Viterbo there are 96 new cases.

In Lazio at the moment the positives are 137,108. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 1,849,838 were healed and 11,934 died.

LOMBARDY – There are 2,762 new infections from Coronavirus today, 19 August 2022 in Lombardy, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 22 deaths for a total of 42,036 since the beginning of the pandemic. In the last 24 hours, 19,720 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic, with a positive rate of 14%.

There are 21 hospitalizations in intensive care, one more since yesterday, those not in intensive care are 845, a marked decrease, 39 less than yesterday.

At the provincial level, there are 690 new cases registered in Milan, of which 225 in the city of Milan; 278 are in Bergamo, 423 in Brescia, 152 in Como. Cremona records 136 new cases, Lecco 64, Lodi 66, Mantua, 221, Monza and Brianza 206, Pavia 150, Sondrio 63 and Varese 233.

ABRUZZO – There are 1,246 new infections from Coronavirus today, 19 August 2022 in Abruzzo, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 6 deaths since yesterday, bringing the total death toll to 3,606. Since yesterday, 1,294 have been healed. In the last 24 hours, 996 molecular swabs and 4,170 antigen tests were performed. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases, L’Aquila at 185, Chieti at 276, at 442 and Teramo at 245.

TUSCANY – There are 1,048 new covid infections in Tuscany according to today’s bulletin, 19 August. There are also 12 other deaths. In the region there are 1,365,141 cases of Coronavirus positivity, 219 new cases confirmed with molecular swab and 829 by rapid antigen test. New cases are 0.1% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grew by 0.1% and reached 1,270,715 (93.1% of total cases). Today 1,019 molecular swabs and 6,643 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 13.7% were positive. On the other hand, 1,581 subjects were tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swabs, excluding control swabs), of which 66.3% were positive. The currently positive are 83,825 today, -0.5% compared to yesterday. The hospitalized are 381 (31 less than yesterday), of which 16 in intensive care (1 less). Today there are 12 new deaths: 5 men and 7 women with an average age of 82.3 years.

BASILICATA – In Basilicata there are 282 new cases of Sars Cov-2, out of a total of 1,001 swabs performed, and there is no death from Covid-19. These are the data from the bulletin of the regional task force referring to the last 24 hours. In the same report, 286 healings were recorded. There are 37 hospitalized for Covid-19, 1 of which in intensive care: 18 (of which 1 in TI) in the Potenza hospital; 19 in that of Matera. Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are 8,354.

EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 2,004 new infections from Coronavirus today, 19 August 2022 in Emilia Romagna, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 14 deaths since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 10,920 swabs were processed with a positivity rate of 18.4%. The patients currently hospitalized in intensive care in Emilia-Romagna, the Region said, are 32, 6 fewer than yesterday. As for the patients hospitalized in the other Covid departments, there are 1,172, 44 less than yesterday. The contagion situation in the provinces sees Modena with 310 new cases, followed by Bologna at 307, Reggio Emilia at 285, Ravenna at 223 and Parma at 187.

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