Covid today Italy, 38,375 infections and 210 deaths: February 26 bulletin

by time news

I’m 38,375 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, February 26, 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. There are also others 210 dead.

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In the last 24 hours, 434,077 swabs were processed with a positivity rate of 8.8%. Intensive care patients decreased by 763 in total, 36 fewer than yesterday, and hospitalized with symptoms, which are 11,103, 603 fewer than yesterday.

Since the beginning of the emergency 12,732,680 people have been infected by covid-19, while the victims have risen to 154,416. The healed are 11,437,706 in total, 74,516 in the last 24 hours. To date, in Italy there are 1,140,558 positive people for Coronavirus.


CAMPANIA – There are 3,578 new coronavirus infections today, February 26, 2022 in Campania, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 13 deaths have been recorded, of which 5 occurred previously. In the last 24 hours, 34,006 tests were processed. In Campania there are 50 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care, 796 Covid patients hospitalized in hospital wards.

SARDINIA – There are 1,091 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 26, 2022 in Sardinia, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, two deaths have been recorded on the island. In the last 24 hours, a total of 10,546 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic. There are 23 patients admitted to intensive care units, 5 fewer since yesterday. 340 patients are hospitalized in the medical area, 6 fewer since yesterday. In isolation at home 31,317 people.

LAZIO – There are 4,482 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 26, 2022 in Lazio, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 23 deaths in the region. In the last 24 hours, 47,334 swabs were processed, of which 34,358 antigenic with a positive rate of 9.4%. There are 1,447 hospitalized patients, 47 fewer since yesterday, 131 intensive care units employed, 3 fewer since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 11,145 people have recovered. The cases in Rome city are at 2,128.

In the ASL Roma 1 the new cases registered in the last 24 hours are 879 and 5 deaths; 5 deaths also in the ASL Roma 2, where there are 642 infections. In the Asl Roma 3 the new positives are 607 while the deaths are 2. Four deaths in the Asl Roma 4 with 270 new cases while in the Asl Roma 5 there are 414 infections and 5 deaths. Only one death in the Asl Roma 6 where the new positives are 533. In the provinces there are 1,137 new cases of which 349 in the Asl of Frosinone where there is also one death; 477 cases in the ASL of Latina, 135 in the ASL of Rieti and 176 in the ASL of Viterbo.

LOMBARDY – There are 4,408 new coronavirus infections today 26 February in Lombardy, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 19 deaths. The positivity rate is 7.2%. Deaths since the beginning of the pandemic have risen to 38,537. In the province of Milan the new positives were 1,404, in Brescia 528, in Varese 434, in Monza and Brianza 356, in Bergamo 318, in Como 266, in Pavia 228, in Mantua 216, in Cremona 208, in Lecco 119, in Lodi 73 and Sondrio 81.

PUGLIA – There are 3,315 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 26, 2022 in Puglia, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 17 deaths in the region. In the last 24 hours, 25,782 swabs were made, both molecular and antigenic. There are 624 hospitalized in Covid ordinary wards, while those in intensive care are 39. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the victims have been 7,636 in the Region. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Lecce at 896, Bari at 861 and Foggia at 546.

BASILICATA – There are 497 coronavirus infections in Basilicata today, February 26, 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. Recorded another 8 deaths. New cases were identified on 3,271 swabs (molecular and antigenic). The deceased people resided in Potenza (2), Matera, Ripacandida, Brienza, Senise, Pisticci and Cersosimo. 537 healings were recorded. The hospitalized for Covid-19 are 110 (-7) of which 3 (+1) in intensive care: 61 (of which 1 in TI) in the Potenza hospital; 49 (of which 2 in TI) in that of Matera.

TUSCANY – There are 2,363 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 26, 2022 in Tuscany, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 31 people have died in the Region. 4,728 people have been healed since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 7,546 molecular swabs and 17,482 rapid antigenic swabs were processed. The people hospitalized in beds dedicated to Covid patients today are a total of 899, 23 fewer than yesterday, 57 in intensive care, 8 fewer than yesterday. 9,887 people in home isolation.

CALABRIA – There are 1,136 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 26, 2022 in Calabria, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 6 deaths in the region. In the last 24 hours 8,578 swabs were processed. 1,541 people have been healed since yesterday. The bulletin also records -411 currently positive, -14 hospitalizations (for a total of 282) and, finally, stable intensive care (for a total of 22).

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 637 new coronavirus infections today 26 February in Friuli Venezia Giulia, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 6 deaths. ” Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 219 new infections have been detected on 5,368 molecular swabs, with a positive percentage of 4.08%. In addition, 6,935 rapid antigenic tests have been carried out, from which 418 cases (6.03%) were detected. People admitted to intensive care drop to 13, while patients hospitalized in other departments drop to 215 ”. This was announced by the deputy governor of the Region with responsibility for Health Riccardo Riccardi.

EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 2,223 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 26, 2022 in Emilia Romagna, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 18 deaths in the region. Since yesterday, 4,020 people have been healed. In the last 24 hours, 19,223 swabs were processed, of which 10,209 rapid antigen tests with a positivity rate of 11.5%. Meanwhile, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues. At 1 pm a total of 10,125,332 doses were administered; of the total 3,748,947 people over 12 who have completed the vaccination cycle, 93.3%. The third doses made are 2,637,250.

The patients currently hospitalized in the intensive care units in Emilia-Romagna are 79, 6 fewer than yesterday. As for the patients hospitalized in the other Covid departments, they are 1,407, 81 fewer than yesterday.

The contagion situation in the provinces sees Bologna with 461 new cases (out of a total of 241,671 from the beginning of the epidemic) followed by Modena (327 out of 183,897) and Reggio Emilia (272 out of 130,227); then Ferrara (220 out of 80,703) and Ravenna (220 out of 108,807), Parma (194 out of 96,469), Rimini (191 out of 116,979); then Cesena (105 out of 66,755), Piacenza (89 out of 64,271), the Imolese district (79 out of 36,695) and finally Forlì, with 75 new positive cases out of a total of 55,988 since the beginning of the pandemic. In total, there have been 15,874 deaths in the region since the beginning of the epidemic. Compared to what was communicated in recent days, 1 case was eliminated, positive for antigen test but not confirmed by molecular swab.

LIGURIA – There are 1,008 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 26, 2022 in Liguria, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 4 deaths in the Region. In the last 24 hours, 10,641 swabs were processed, of which 7,795 were rapid. In Liguria there are currently 15,150 positives. There are 371 hospitalized patients, 22 fewer than yesterday, 23 intensive care units occupied, one less than yesterday. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Genoa at 615, Savona at 174, La Spezia at 119 and Imperia at 95.

SICILY – There are 3,358 new coronavirus infections today 26 February in Sicily, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 29 deaths. 5,649 patients recovered. On the island, in total, there are 229,839 cases, 1,325 fewer than yesterday, and of these 1,046 are hospitalized in the ordinary regime, 77 in intensive care with 9 new entries, and 228,716 are in home isolation. Among the provinces, the one with the most cases is Palermo, 1,154, followed by Messina with 805, and Catania with 678.

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