Covid today Italy, 44,595 infections and 168 deaths: December 23 bulletin

by time news

I am 44,595 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, Thursday 23 December 2021, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. There are also others 168 dead. In the last 24 hours, 901,450 swabs were processed with a positive rate of 4.94%. The admissions to intensive care in 24 hours were 93, while the new hospitalized with symptoms since yesterday were 178 for a total of 8,722.

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They rise to 5,517,054 infected people since the beginning of the emergency while the victims reach 44,595. The healed are a total of 4,950,780, 17,117 in the last 24 hours. To date, there are 430,029 coronavirus positives in Italy, 27,300 more than yesterday.


VENETO – There are 5,023 coronavirus infections in Veneto today, 23 December 2021, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. Recorded another 20 deaths. The new cases were identified on 28,313 molecular swabs (yesterday 27,107) and 110,033 antigenic (yesterday 91,459). The region is in the yellow zone. “The occupancy rate of medical departments in hospitals is 17%, we have about 1,300 patients. To get to the orange zone we need to reach the threshold of 30%, it is about 2,100 patients”, said Governor Luca Zaia.

“It would involve hospitalizing another 8-900 patients: it means about twenty days, if it goes wrong. In the last conference I said that the turning point for us could come in the first week of January: if it arrives, you don’t go to the area orange. We could reach the plateau and then start the descent, “he adds.

PIEDMONT – There are 4,304 new coronavirus infections today, 23 December 2021, in Piedmont according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 13 deaths since yesterday. 5.1% positivity rate on 84,147 swabs performed, of which 69,895 antigenic. Since yesterday 1,704 people have been healed.

There are 868 inmates not in intensive care, 14 more than yesterday. There are 67 people admitted to intensive care, 3 more than yesterday. There are 31,595 people in home isolation.

EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 2,860 new coronavirus infections in Emilia Romagna according to today’s bulletin, 23 December. There are also another 11 deaths. Since the beginning of the epidemic there have been 499,123 positive cases, 47,268 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of swabs made since yesterday is 6%. Meanwhile, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues. At 3 pm a total of 8,187,995 doses were administered; out of the total 3,595,623 people over 12 who have completed the vaccination cycle. The third doses are 1,160,864.

TUSCANY – There are 2,780 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, 23 December 2021, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin anticipated by governor Eugenio Giani. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 2,780 out of 52,779 tests of which 18,059 molecular swabs and 34,720 rapid tests. Another 5 deaths registered The rate of new positives is 5.27% (18.2% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani on Telegram, adding that the vaccines currently administered are 6,972,017.

“The data is that in Florence we have exceeded 50% of Omicron infections, a very complicated January is announced”, said the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, to L’aria che tira.

In the region, in detail, new cases are 0.9% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grew by 0.2% and reached 295,261 (91% of total cases). The currently positive are 21,665 today, + 10.9% compared to yesterday. There are 453 hospitalized (16 more than yesterday), of which 66 in intensive care (2 more). Today there are 5 new deaths: 4 men and one woman with an average age of 82.6 years. The average age of today’s 2,780 new positives is approximately 37 years (21% are under 20, 36% between 20 and 39, 29% between 40 and 59, 12% between 60 and 79, 2% have 80 years or older).

SARDINIA – There are 344 new coronavirus infections in Sardinia according to today’s bulletin, 23 December. There are also another 2 deaths. 4,335 people tested. A total of 11,817 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic. There are 11 patients admitted to intensive care units (like yesterday). The patients admitted to the medical area are 127 (6 more than yesterday). 4,296 are the cases of home isolation (84 more than yesterday). Two men aged 58 and 86 died, resident respectively in the province of Nuoro and in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari. The Sardinia Region communicates it.

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 1,081 coronavirus infections in Friuli Venezia Giulia today, 23 December 2021, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. Recorded 6 more deaths. In detail, 940 new infections were detected, with a positive percentage of 9.08%.

In addition, 20,310 rapid antigenic tests have been carried out, from which 141 cases (0.79%) were detected. The under 19 age group is confirmed to be the first with 23.59% of the new positives, followed by the 40-49 years with 18.78% and the 50-59 years with 15.36%.

There are 26 people hospitalized in intensive care and patients hospitalized in other departments drop to 281, as communicated by the deputy governor of the Region with responsibility for Health Riccardo Riccardi.

APULIA – There are 1,134 new coronavirus infections today 23 December 2021 in Puglia, according to data and numbers from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. There are two other deaths. New positive cases were detected on 40,705 daily tests. There are 9,004 people currently positive in the Region, 166 hospitalized in a non-critical area, 26 in intensive care. Since the beginning of the emergency, a total of 290,328 cases have been recorded in Puglia, 5,317,777 tests have been performed, 274,377 people recovered and 6,947 deaths.

ABRUZZO – There are 662 new coronavirus infections in Abruzzo according to today’s bulletin, 23 December. On the other hand, there are no new deaths. The total number of infections since the beginning of the emergency is 94,984. The death toll remains steady at 2,626. The number of positive cases also includes 84,595 discharged / healed (+242 compared to yesterday). The currently positives in Abruzzo (calculated by subtracting the number of discharged / cured and deceased from the total of positives) are 7,763 (+420 compared to yesterday), the total also includes 1,309 cases concerning patients lost to follow up since the beginning of the emergency, on which checks are in progress. This was communicated by the Regional Health Department.

BASILICATA – There are 270 new coronavirus infections in Basilicata according to today’s bulletin, 23 December. There is also another death. 2,212 the total of molecular swabs carried out in the last 24 hours. The deceased person resided in Senise. There is a peak of new cases in Matera (85) while the Lucanians recovered or negativized are 50. The hospitalized for Covid-19 are 41 (-1) of which none in intensive care: 21 in the Potenza hospital and 20 in that of Matera.

Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are 2,323 (+206). For the vaccination, 4,200 administrations were carried out yesterday, of which about 3,700 are third doses. So far 443,280 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (80.1 per cent of the total population residing in Basilicata), 411,073 have completed the vaccination cycle (74.3 per cent) and 133,479 are the third doses (24.1 per cent). ), for a total of 987,832 administrations carried out.

SOUTH TYROL – There are 345 new infections from Coronavirus today 23 December in South Tyrol, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. 4 people have died since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 1,820 molecular and 204 antigenic swabs were processed. 317 people have been healed since yesterday.

There are 82 Covid-19 patients admitted to normal hospital wards, while 62 are hospitalized in affiliated private facilities. There are 7 patients in isolation in the Colle Isarco structures, 21 in intensive care.

LAZIO – There are 3,006 new coronavirus infections today, Thursday 23 December 2021, in Lazio, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 15 deaths since yesterday. In Rome 1,510 new cases. In the last 24 hours, 25,539 molecular and 46,472 antigenic agents were processed with a positive rate of 4.1%. There are 917 hospitalized, 9 more since yesterday, 122 intensive care, one less, and 1,056 recovered. Today the “record of positive cases was reached, it was expected and also for this – underlines the regional councilor for Health Alessio D’Amato in the note – the adaptation of the hospital network scenario was prepared”.

In detail, in the Asl Roma 1 infections in the last 24 hours were 775 and 1 death; one death was also registered in the ASL Roma 2 where there are 592 new positives. In the Asl Roma 3 there are 143 cases and two deaths while in the Asl Roma 4 against 175 new infections there are 4 deaths. Two deaths in the ASL Roma 5 where there are 184 new cases. One death in the ASL Roma 6 with 190 more positives. In the provinces there are 947 new cases of which 290 in the Asl of Frosinone where there are also 2 deaths as well as in the Asl of Latina where the new infected are 351. In the Asl of Rieti there are 108 new cases and no deaths. No deaths even in the ASL of Viterbo where the new positives are 198.

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