Covid today Italy, 54,230 infections and 136 deaths: March 10 bulletin

by time news

I’m 54,230 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, March 10, 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. They also register another 136 dead.

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In the last 24 hours 453,341 swabs, including molecular and antigenic, were processed with a 12% positivity rate. Intensive care is decreasing, with 18 fewer patients than yesterday and 545 hospitalized in total, and hospitalized with symptoms, 161 fewer than yesterday, for a total of 8,414 people in Covid wards.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 13,214,498 people have been infected with the Coronavirus, while the victims have risen to 156,493. The healed are 12,086,850 in total, 85,787 in the last 24 hours. The positives in Italy fall below one million equal to 971.155.


LAZIO – There are 6,136 new infections from Coronavirus today, 10 March 2022 in Lazio, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 17 deaths since yesterday. The cases in Rome city are at 2,693. In the last 24 hours, 10,275 molecular swabs and 40,169 antigenic swabs were processed with a positivity rate of 12.1%. There are 1,037 hospitalized, 36 fewer from yesterday, 79 intensive care, 10 fewer from yesterday. In the last 24 hours 9,123 people have been healed.

In detail, the cases and deaths in the last 24 hours in the ASL of Lazio: in the ASL Roma 1 there are 920 new cases and 3 deaths; Asl Roma 2: there are 1,036 new cases; Asl Roma 3: there are 737 new cases; Asl Roma 4: there are 306 new cases and 1 death; Asl Roma 5: there are 549 new cases and 2 deaths; Asl Roma 6: there are 713 new cases and 1 death.

In the provinces there are 1,875 new cases. In the Asl of Frosinone there are 578 new cases and 3 deaths; Asl di Latina: 729 new cases and 5 deaths; Asl di Rieti: there are 185 new cases; Asl di Viterbo: there are 383 new cases and 2 deaths.

SARDINIA – There are 1,801 new infections from Coronavirus today, March 10, 2022 in Sardinia, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 2 deaths since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 374 molecular swabs and 1,427 antigenic swabs were processed. There are 18 hospitalized in intensive care, one more since yesterday, and 313 in the medical area, 5 fewer since yesterday. In home isolation 23,320 people.

VENETO – There are 4,613 coronavirus infections in Veneto today, 10 March 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. Cases were identified on 69,920 swabs, the positivity rate is 6.6%. Recorded 7 more deaths. The hospitalized for covid are in total 904 (-47). The patients in the non-critical area are 833 (-51), while the patients in intensive care are 71 (+4).

CAMPANIA – There are 5,233 new infections from Coronavirus today, 10 March 2022 in Campania, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 13 deaths have been recorded, of which 5 occurred in the previous days. In Campania, 26 Covid patients are hospitalized in intensive care and 544 are hospitalized in hospital wards.

TUSCANY – There are 4,134 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, 10 March 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin anticipated by Governor Eugenio Giani on Telegram. Recorded 5 deaths. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 4,134 out of 29,480 tests of which 7,401 molecular swabs and 22,079 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 14.02% (57.6% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani, adding that the vaccines currently administered in Tuscany are 8,722,082 of which 2,315,160 booster doses.

New cases are 0.5% more than the previous day’s total. The healed grew by 0.3% and reached 850,244 (96.1% of total cases). The currently positive are 25,309 today, + 5.9% compared to yesterday. There are 716 hospitalized (15 fewer than yesterday), of which 43 in intensive care (stable). Today there are 5 new deaths: 3 men and 2 women with an average age of 85.8 years.

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 791 new coronavirus infections today 10 March 2022 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, according to data and numbers from the latest Covid-19 bulletin of the Region. No new deaths. In detail, today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 269 new infections have been detected on 4,858 molecular swabs, with a positive percentage of 5.54%. There are also 7,013 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which 522 cases (7.44%) were detected. There are 12 people hospitalized in intensive care, while patients hospitalized in other departments are 148. This was announced by the deputy governor of the Region with responsibility for Health Riccardo Riccardi.

As regards the trend of the spread of the virus among the population, the most affected group is the 50-59 years (14.54%), followed by the 20-29 (14.41%) and 40-49 (14.29%). No deaths were recorded today, therefore the total number remains steady at 4,819, with the following territorial subdivision: 1,179 in Trieste, 2,296 in Udine, 916 in Pordenone and 428 in Gorizia. The totally healed are 291,874, the clinically healed 202, while the people in isolation are 17,236. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 314,291 people have been positive.

BASILICATA – In Basilicata there are 641 new cases of coronavirus infection detected today, March 10, 2022, out of a total of 2,923 swabs (molecular and antigenic), and 3 deaths from Covid-19 are recorded. These are the data from the regional bulletin of the coronavirus task force referring to the last 24 hours. The deceased people resided in Cancellara, Moliterno, Rionero in Vulture. 1,410 healings were recorded. The hospitalized for Covid-19 are 94 (+6) of which 2 (+1) in intensive care: 60 (of which 1 in TI) in the Potenza hospital; 34 (of which 1 in IT) in that of Matera.

Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are approximately 18,200. For the vaccination, 687 administrations were made yesterday. So far 467,461 Lucanians have received the first dose of the vaccine (84.5 percent of the population which amounts to 553,254 residents), 439,077 have received the second (79.4 percent) and 343,091 are the third doses (62 percent), for a total of 1,249,653 administrations carried out.

VALLE D’AOSTA – No deaths and 29 new coronavirus infections in Valle d’Aosta today, 10 March 2022, which bring the total number of people infected by the virus from the beginning of the epidemic to today in the region to 31,843. This was reported by the bulletin with the Covid data of the Region. The current positives are 1334 of which 1317 in home isolation, 16 hospitalized, one in intensive care. The total healed today are 29,987, up 21 units compared to those reported yesterday. The cases tested to date are 129,181 while the total swabs carried out are 474,772. The deaths of people diagnosed with Covid in Valle d’Aosta from the beginning of the emergency to today are 522.

ABRUZZO – There are 1,223 new coronavirus infections registered today, March 10, in Abruzzo, bringing the total from the beginning of the emergency, net of realignments, to 274,496. This was reported by the bulletin with the Covid data of the Region. The toll records 9 new deaths, bringing the total to 3,015. There are 254 patients (-22 compared to yesterday) hospitalized in the medical area; 12 (+2 compared to yesterday) in intensive care, while the other 27,984 (-34,242 compared to yesterday) are in home isolation with active surveillance by the ASL. In the last 24 hours, 2,805 molecular swabs (2,097,959 in total since the start of the emergency) and 8,747 antigen tests (3,037,220) were performed. The positivity rate, calculated on the sum of molecular swabs and antigen tests of the day, is equal to 10.58 percent.

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