Covid today Italy, 93,157 infections and 375 deaths: bulletin 5 February

by time news

I am 93,157 new Coronavirus infections in Italy today, February 5, 2022, according to Covid data and numbers – region by region – of the Civil Protection bulletin and the Ministry of Health. There are also another 375 deaths.

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In the last 24 hours, 846,480 swabs were processed with a positivity rate of 11%. Hospitalizations are down to 18,615, 385 less than yesterday, and intensive care to 1,411, 29 less than yesterday.

Since the beginning of the emergency 11,542,793 people have been infected by covid-19 while the victims have risen to 148,542. The healed rose to 9,265,708, 182,618 in the last 24 hours. To date there are 2,128,543 positives in Italy, 89,801 fewer than yesterday.


LOMBARDY – There are 11,136 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 5, 2022 in Lombardy, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 76 deaths since yesterday. In the last 24 hours 129,067 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic, with a positive rate of 8.63%. Hospitalizations in the medical area are decreasing: they are 2,656, 158 fewer from yesterday, as well as admissions to intensive care equal to 214, 2 less than yesterday.

There are 3,200 new Covid positives, recorded in the province of Milan in the last 24 hours. As for the other Lombard provinces, in Brescia there are 1,539 cases, in Varese 997, in Monza 851, in Bergamo 1.112, in Como 685, in Pavia 658, in Mantua 640, in Cremona 436, in Lecco 282, in Lodi 225 and in Sondrio 151.

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – There are 2,829 coronavirus infections in Friuli Venezia Giulia today, 5 February 2022, according to numbers and covid data from the region’s bulletin. Recorded another 12 deaths. In detail, 970 new infections were detected on 9,826 molecular swabs, with a positive percentage of 9.87%. There are also 17,099 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which 1,859 cases were detected (10.87%). There are 39 people hospitalized in intensive care, while patients hospitalized in other departments drop to 470, as Riccardo Riccardi, the deputy governor of the Region with responsibility for Health, communicated.

SICILY – There are 7,405 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 5, 2022 in Sicily, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday, 78 deaths have been recorded, but only 5 have been registered yesterday, while the others refer to previous days. The victims in the Region have been 8,780 since the beginning of the pandemic emergency.

In the last 24 hours, 47,091 swabs, both molecular and antigenic, were processed. The current positives thus rise to 265,146 on the island. Of the current positives, 1,414 patients are hospitalized with symptoms, while 128 patients are in intensive care. This is the breakdown on a provincial basis of the new cases: 1,647 in Palermo, 1,204 in Catania, 1,420 in Messina, 676 in Ragusa, 447 in Trapani, 752 in Syracuse, 555 in Caltanissetta, 579 in Agrigento and 170 in Enna.

CAMPANIA – There are 8,702 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 5, 2022 in Campania, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 18 deaths, of which 2 occurred previously but recorded today.

In the last 24 hours, 68,845 tests were processed. In Campania there are 77 Covid patients hospitalized in intensive care, 1,339 Covid patients hospitalized in hospital wards.

VENETO – There are 10,012 new covid infections today 5 February in Veneto, according to data from the latest covid-19 bulletin. There are another 37 deaths, considering the difference between the total indicated yesterday by the Ministry of Health and that present in the bulletin released today by the region. The total number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic rises to 1,213,740, that of deaths to 13,347. The current positives are 182,117, 10,058 less than the previous day. In hospitals, the occupancy of beds both in the medical area (1.703, -57) and in intensive care (156, therefore -2) is decreasing.

PUGLIA – There are 6,269 new covid infections today 5 February in Puglia, according to data from the latest bulletin. There are another 8 deaths. The new cases, identified through 54,279 swabs, are divided as follows by province: Bari: 1,788; Bat: 575; Brindisi: 542; Foggia: 924; Lecce: 1,582; Taranto: 788; Residents outside the region: 51; Province in definition: 19. Currently positive people are 108,012, 753 are hospitalized in a non-critical area and 66 in intensive care. Overall data: 638,002 total cases; 7,978,647 swabs performed, 522,676 people healed and 7,314 deaths.

LAZIO – There are 9,161 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 5, 2022 in Lazio, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 23 deaths in the region. In the last 24 hours, 30,121 molecular swabs and 68,278 antigenic swabs were processed with a positive rate of 9.3%.

There are 2,061 hospitalized, 16 fewer since yesterday, 195 intensive care, one less in the last 24 hours, and 9,042 recovered since yesterday. The cases in Rome city are at 4,294. In the Region, says the councilor for Health D’Amato, “we are witnessing a marked decline in the number of positive cases and it is back below 10 thousand”. D’Amato warns: “Those who are not vaccinated risk their lives”.

EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 8,274 new infections from Coronavirus today, 5 February 2022 in Emilia Romagna, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 37 deaths since yesterday. In the last 24 hours 51,948 were processed, of which 34,254 rapid antigen tests with a positive rate of 15.9%.

The patients currently admitted to the intensive care units in Emilia-Romagna are 146, 3 fewer than yesterday. As for the patients hospitalized in the other Covid departments, there are 2,410, 20 fewer than yesterday. The contagion situation in the provinces sees Bologna with 1,638 new cases, followed by Modena at 1,323, Reggio Emilia at 879, Parma at 817 and Rimini at 813. 175,299 people in isolation at home. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 15,288 have died in Emilia Romagna.

ABRUZZO – There are 2,235 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 5, 2022 in Abruzzo, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there have been 5 deaths, of which one of the last few days registered only today. In the last 24 hours, 5,885 molecular swabs and 16,815 antigen tests were processed.

There have been 2,149 healed since yesterday. There are 487 hospitalized in the medical area, 2 fewer from yesterday, and 34 in intensive care, 2 more in the last 24 hours. 118,186 people in home isolation.

Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases, L’Aquila at 520, Chieti at 646, at 500 and Teramo at 483.

CALABRIA – There are 1,268 new coronavirus infections today, February 5, 2022 in Calabria, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 9 deaths since yesterday.

In the last 24 hours, 7,952 swabs were processed, both molecular and antigenic. Since yesterday, 1,813 have been healed. There is a decrease in hospitalizations for a total of 378, 10 fewer since yesterday, and, finally, 23 intensive care units are growing, one more since yesterday. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 1,933 deaths in the Region.

BASILICATA – There are 1,062 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 5, 2022 in Basilicata, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday there has been a death, residing in Maratea. In the last 24 hours, 6,016 swabs, both molecular and antigenic, were processed. 888 healings have been recorded since yesterday.

There are 92 hospitalized for Covid-19, 3 fewer from yesterday, of which 3, one fewer in the last 24 hours, in intensive care. Overall, the current positives residing in Basilicata are about 19,700.

TUSCANY – There are 6,648 new covid infections today 5 February in Tuscany, according to the data of the latest bulletin. There are another 30 deaths. The new cases, 3,086 confirmed with molecular swab and 3,562 by rapid antigen test, bring the total to 778,533 from the beginning of the Coronavirus health emergency: they are 0.9% more than the total of the previous day. The healed grew by 2.3% and reached 646,868 (83.1% of total cases). Today, 15,723 molecular swabs and 40,475 rapid antigenic swabs were performed, of which 11.8% were positive. On the other hand, 9,688 subjects tested today (with antigenic and / or molecular swab, excluding control swabs), of which 68.6% were positive. The currently positive are 123,255 today, -6.2% compared to yesterday. The hospitalized are 1,391 (15 fewer than yesterday), of which 91 in intensive care (5 fewer). There are 30 new deaths: 11 men and 19 women with an average age of 86.4 years (8 in Florence, 2 in Prato, 3 in Pistoia, 4 in Massa Carrara, 1 in Lucca, 3 in Pisa, 4 in Livorno , 1 in Arezzo, 4 in Siena).

MARCHE – There are 2,484 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 5, 2022 in the Marche according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. Since yesterday the dead have been 4. From Monday the Region will enter the orange zone. Since yesterday, 2,312 have been healed. There are currently 25,371 positives in the region.

Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Ancona at 714, Macerata at 521, Pesaro and Urbino at 413, Ascoli Piceno at 400 and Fermo at 329.

LIGURIA – There are 2,478 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 5, 2022 in Liguria, according to the covid-19 data of the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 4 deaths since yesterday. In the last 24 hours, 22,712 swabs were processed, of which 4,206 were molecular and 18,506 rapid antigen tests. At the moment there are 41,392 positives in Liguria. There are 722 hospitalized patients, 31 of whom are in intensive care, stable data compared to yesterday. Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Genoa at 1,316, Savona at 531, Imperia at 353 and La Spezia at 259.

PIEDMONT – There are 5,484 new infections from Coronavirus today, February 5, 2022 in Piedmont, according to Covid-19 data in the latest bulletin of the Region. There have been 20 deaths since yesterday.

7.4% positivity rate on the 74,234 swabs performed, of which 65,091 antigenic. There are 104 hospitalized in intensive care, 6 fewer than yesterday. There are 1,943 inmates not in intensive care, 40 fewer than yesterday. There are 102,254 people in home isolation. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 12,716 victims in the Region. At the moment there are 104,301 positives in Piedmont. 11,447 people have been healed since yesterday.

Among the provinces with the highest number of new cases Turin at 3,389, Cuneo 613, Alessandria at 477 and Novara at 377.

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