Covid today Italy, Brusaferro: “Incidence decreasing”

by time news

Covid today Italy, “
in the last period the curve has flattened out
. This was explained by the president of the Higher Institute of Health (Iss), Silvio Brusaferro, in a video in which he comments on the main data of the weekly Covid-19 monitoring. “This is confirmed by a declining incidence which, in the last week out of a hundred thousand inhabitants, is 836”.

“Transmissibility remains above the epidemic threshold in the second half of the month,” he adds. The European picture “is coherent. Some countries are beginning to ‘lighten’, in the graphs, as regards the curves that from a more intense red, which indicates a strong circulation, the intensity is reduced”. Looking at “the incidence, in the last seven days, of the Italian Regions we see that many have a slight increase, while some are beginning to have the ‘blue curves’ which indicate a phase of decrease”.

AGE CLASSES – Looking at the trend of Covid-19 in the various age groups, in Italy “in the last 7 days we see that in the younger groups a decrease in the number of new cases is reported, while the more advanced age groups show a slight increase”. The curves of the groups under 5, between 5 and 11, and between 12 and 19, continued the expert, “substantially show how the growing curve has flattened and in some cases a decrease has begun, even if it is a fact that must be stabilized “.

The age group that records the highest weekly incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants – highlights the ISS report – is the 10-19 age group with an incidence of 1,077 per 100,000 inhabitants, a decrease compared to the previous week. At the moment, the lowest incidence, but still very high and increasing compared to the previous week, is still found in the 70-79 and 80-89 age groups with an incidence of 548 and 516 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

VACCINE – “Having a vaccination completed with the booster dose” protects in a very significant way from severe disease but we can see “from the data” that it also significantly protects from contracting the infection. “” The number of those who did not make the third dose and the unvaccinated “he explains. There is” a stable situation “in general on anti-Covid vaccination, but the share of people who have had the booster is also stable, an aspect that should be noted for the importance it has for the people for whom it is recommended – he concluded – The number of people who have not started the vaccination cycle remains stable “.

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