Covid vaccine and flu together, green light from the Ministry

by time news

In Italy, concomitant administration of the anti-Covid vaccine and the anti-flu vaccine will be possible. And the green light is also given to co-administration with other vaccines of the National Vaccine Prevention Plan, with the exception of live attenuated ones, for which a minimum precautionary distance of 14 days from anti-Covid is indicated. To clarify this is a circular signed by the Director General for Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza, who, regarding the time interval between the administration of anti-Sars-CoV-2 with other vaccines, attaches a joint note signed by Rezza with the general director of the Aifa drug agency, Nicola Magrini, and the presidents of the Higher Institute of Health (Iss), Silvio Brusaferro, and the Higher Council of Health (Css), Franco Locatelli.

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“In consideration of the approach of the anti-flu vaccination campaign – explain the experts – it is possible that some categories of subjects for which seasonal flu vaccination is recommended and offered actively and free of charge are at the same time eligible for “anti-Covid vaccination. This could happen for example for third doses, for “target groups of the additional dose or booster”, or for “people over 60 not yet vaccinated”, and so on.

Although in the technical data sheets of the anti-Covid vaccines authorized by Ema there are, to date, no indications relating to their concomitant administration with other vaccines, taking into account the current indications expressed by the main international public health authorities and related advisory committees and preliminary data related to the co-administration of anti-Covid vaccines with influenza vaccines, it will be possible schedule the administration of the two vaccines, in compliance with the rules of good vaccination practice, in the same vaccination session“.

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