Covid, vaccine in pregnancy protects mom and baby 10 times more healing

by time news

In the pregnant mothers who have received an mRna anti-Covid vaccine the concentration of antibodies against the pandemic coronavirus is 10 times higher than in cured pregnant women after a Sars-CoV-2 infection. And the same protective advantage of vaccination over natural infection is observed in their babies. This is what emerges from a new US study conducted by scientists from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, published on ‘Jama Network Open’. The work also demonstrates the importance for expectant mothers to undergo Covid-19 vaccination in time so as to maximize the transfer of antibodies to the unborn child. The antibodies are in fact detected already 15 days after the first dose of the vaccine, with levels that increase several weeks later.

The research was conducted on women who gave birth at Pennsylvania Hospital between August 9, 2020 and April 25, 2021. Specifically, the investigations focused on 585 pregnant mothers who had detectable Sars-CoV-2 antibodies in the serum. cord blood. Among these, 169 were identified vaccinated for Covid and never infected and 408 infected, but not vaccinated. The comparison showed that the antibody concentrations of the vaccinated women were about 10 times higher than those of the cured ones. As for babies, the researchers found IgG antibodies against Sars-CoV-2 in the umbilical cord blood of over 95% of newborns (557 out of 585), also calculating levels 10 times higher in the children of vaccinated mothers than in babies of healed mothers.

However, the so-called transfer ratio – i.e. the extent to which antibody concentrations in cord blood correspond to antibody levels in mothers – was found to be slightly lower in infants in the ‘vaccinated mothers’ group than in those in the ‘mothers’ group. get well ‘. Analyzing the various factors that could influence the transfer ratio, including gestational age at birth and maternal health problems such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity, the scientists concluded that it was above all the timeliness or not of the Covid vaccination that weighed. -19 in pregnancy.

The results of the work suggest that “Covid vaccination not only offers solid protection to mothers during pregnancy, but also provides higher concentrations of antibodies to babies, compared to Sars-CoV-2 infection,” says neonatologist Dustin. D. Flannery, first author of the research. “Since pregnancy is a serious risk factor for Covid-19 – recalls the expert – our data indicate that pregnant women should give priority to vaccination to protect themselves and their children”.

“Our study – notes the neonatologist Karen M. Puopolo, senior author – indicates that the time elapsed from infection or vaccination to delivery was the most important factor in the efficiency of antibody transfer. A useful data for optimizing the vaccination strategy. anti-Covid in pregnancy. Patients – recommends the specialist – should plan vaccination well in advance of the expected date of delivery, so that their babies can benefit from a solid immune response “.

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