Covid vaccines can cause menstrual disorders, drug agency admits

by time news

mRNA vaccines against Covid-19 can cause menstrual disorders, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) finally admitted on October 28, 2022. An adverse event on which the collective Where is my cycle has sounded the alert since its creation early 2022. The same goes for scientists in France and abroad, like Jean-Marc Sabatier, research director at the CNRS, who addressed this issue in an interview with FranceSoir from December 2021 .

An ad that hurts the newspaper Release : last July, he accused the collective Where is my cycle?, which works to recognize the suffering of women victims of the side effects of the anti-Covid vaccine on their menstrual cycle, of « covid-cepticism ».

See also: “Many women are in terrible suffering”: Mélodie Féron, founder of Where is my cycle, presents her work

The EMA recognizes the impact of the vaccine on the female cycle

This Friday, the Pharmacovigilance Committee (PRAC) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recognized in its conclusions reported by the National Medicines Agency (ANSM), that messenger RNA vaccines against Covid-19 can be responsible for the heavy menstrual bleeding that has occurred in some post-vaccination women.

These bleedings can be considered as a potential adverse effect of vaccines” from Pfizer and Moderna,” she explains. These effects will now be added to the summaries of product characteristics (SPCs) and package leaflets for these two vaccines.

Read also: The European Medicines Agency calls for “not to overload the immune system with repeated vaccinations”

Reported menstrual disorders mainly concern changes in the duration and intensity of bleeding, whether or not associated with pain. They are most often « non graves » and transitory, supports the ANSM which specifies that in certain patients, one however observes a possible persistence of these effects around 6 months. Further analysis of these cases is continuing, she added. On Twitter, the Collective Where is my cycle reacted to the conclusions of the ANSM: “We do not have the same definition of the word “serious””he lambasted.

As a reminder, on October 19, the EMA gave the green light for the use of the anti-Covid vaccine from the age of six months.

A link between menstrual disorders and anti-Covid vaccination already established

In its progress report submitted on June 9, 2022, the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices (OPECST) had already recognized the link between menstrual disorders and anti-Covid vaccination, also expressing surprise that the side effects of the injection on the female cycle are not yet recognized. In a column published in FranceSoir on October 15, legal professionals recalled that the complete work of the Office on the side effects of vaccines against Covid-19 and the functioning of the French pharmacovigilance system, were still not available. They therefore called on the Office to be transparent and to make all the hearings public.

Read also: Side effects of anti-Covid vaccines: legal professionals demand full transparency of the work of the OPECST

On September 14, the lawyer for the Collective Where is my cycle, Me Diane Protat, sent a letter on September 14 to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen asking that the European Medicines Agency organize at European level “a public hearing on the acceptability of the risks caused by vaccination against Covid-19”. To learn more about this legal action, click here.

From December 2021, Jean-Marc Sabatier, research director at the CNRS and doctor in cellular biology and microbiology, estimated in an interview with FranceSoir that it was necessary “stop this headlong rush with widespread vaccination and regular boosters” because a “good part of the population” ran the risk of being “faced with these latent and potentially irreversible side effects”. Emphasizing “a possible direct or indirect effect of the viral or vaccine Spike protein on the reproductive process”Jean-Marc Sabatier pointed out that “menstrual problems and miscarriages” had already been reported. And to add: In the long term, by dint of injecting these products, the effect can only be harmful. At best, there is no effect…”

“After almost a year, better late than never,” launched the scientist on Twitter.

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