Cow tripe can run even more efficiently

by time news

An optimally functioning cow rumen is the basis for healthy cows that produce maximum milk. Livestock farmers and feed manufacturers have options to make the rumen work more efficiently. Not all of these are used, which means that kilos of milk are left behind.

Much is already known in dairy farming about the functioning of the rumen of cows. Nevertheless, knowledge, new insights and awareness can ensure healthy cows with a higher production on many farms. That is the conviction of Nico Vreeburg, technical support manager ruminants at Lallemand Animal Nutrition. “Everyone knows how important nutrition and feed management are. Not only to increase the level of production, but also to prevent rumen acidosis.”

It is less known that, for example, the eating speed at the feeding fence and the lying behavior have a major influence on the functioning of the rumen. For example, large feed portions with little structure lead to less saliva production. As a result, acidic rumen juices cannot neutralize. According to Vreeburg, the possibilities in the field of feed composition are also not fully utilized. In short, farmers have a lot of buttons to turn to keep the rumen turning at its best.

Cow tripe in the lead role

To inform livestock farmers, advisors and veterinarians about this, Lallemand is organizing a symposium on 10 November with the cow rumen in the leading role. Trevor de Vries, a leading behavioral researcher, tells more about the influence of eating behavior on rumen health and how livestock farmers can improve it. Bertjan Westerlaan, veterinarian and housing specialist at Vetvice, discusses the practical layout of the barn and the influence of management measures. Vreeburg explains how the rumen works and the positive influence that live yeasts have on it.

Extract more milk from the feed without increasing feed costs. We will give a lot of practical advice for that

It is interesting for all livestock farmers, but especially for companies with an above-average management level. “That is a group that does many things well, but is always looking for what can be done better. In order to extract more milk from the feed without increasing feed costs. We are going to give a lot of practical advice for that.”

This year extra pressure on the cow tripe

Attention to the functioning of the cow rumen is always important, but very topical this year. Due to the long warm period, more cows suffer from the effects of heat stress. That puts pressure on the rumen. Feed intake decreases and cows feel less fit. The risk of rumen acidosis increases and lower milk production and levels are immediately noticeable. In addition, this year’s very dry maize silages are detrimental to NDF digestibility, among other things.

Furthermore, the spring silages have a high sugar content with more on rumen acidosis. “It is precisely in such years that the difference is made,” says Vreeburg. The general expectation is that more extreme years will become the rule rather than the exception, putting more pressure on health and digestion.

Vreeburg sees that more is often possible in terms of feed content than is currently the case. “Abroad, live yeasts are often included as standard in the rations for high-yielding cows. The dose is increased during periods of stress. We see from the figures that milk production remains more stable at a higher level as a result.” In the Netherlands, for example, this happens in feed mixtures against heat stress or when extra support is needed, such as during the transition period.

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