CPF: MoDem deputies table a bill to ban cold calling

by time news

Who has not been bothered by incessant calls, touting commercial offers within the framework of the personal training account (CPF)? This system assigns each employee a budget to train freely by choosing modules from a wide range. It is to put an end to this intensive canvassing that a bill “aiming to fight against abuse and fraud of the personal training account” will be examined, according to our information, on October 6 in the National Assembly.

The text will be on the agenda of the next parliamentary niche – the day reserved – for MoDem deputies. This choice must be formalized, this Tuesday, September 13, at the conference of presidents. Other texts carried by the pro-Bayrou deputies: the fight against dangerous plastics, the limitation of the engrillage of natural spaces, the transfer of quarter of retirement within couples and a reform of the tax burden of alimony.

“The massive success of the CPF has opened the door to aggressive, even abusive, commercial practices aimed at pushing individuals to buy training against their will,” the bill reads. This translates into calls, text messages or emails from call centers or training organisations, carried out in a fraudulent manner and very often conveying erroneous information on the rights of the individual and, or, on the real object pursued by the organism. “.

SMS and e-mails also prohibited

In its first article, the text, which is signed by deputies Bruno Fuchs (MoDem), Sylvain Maillard (Renaissance) and Thomas Mesnier (Horizons), takes out the heavy artillery: it “prohibits cold calling by SMS and email from organizations training in order to fight against CPF fraud”.

This bill could meet with the consent of other political families, as the subject is consensual. The senator from Oise LR Édouard Courtial also tabled a fairly similar bill in July, aimed at limiting this type of inconvenience.

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