CPF: skimming in business creation training

by time news

Posted Nov 7, 2022, 6:30 a.m.Updated Nov 7, 2022, 8:25 a.m.

At the end of September, a court in Pas-de-Calais condemned at first instance a manager of a training organization for fraud in the personal training account (CPF). The amount embezzled is estimated at 3 million euros. This first case which sanctions bogus office automation courses will call for others: Tracfin, the intelligence service of the Ministry of the Economy estimates fraud at the CPF at more than 43 million. It would only be the submerged tip of the iceberg.

Without necessarily being fraud, CPF scams have multiplied. Caisse des Dépôts, which manages this device, has set in motion a detection device, supported by artificial intelligence. This is what has enabled it to put an end to dubious practices in terms of training in the creation or takeover of a business, which are in great demand. In 2021, 233,000 sessions were financed for 340 million. On October 2 of this year, the counter rose to 267,000 sessions for 429 million.

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