CPME calls for additional help for companies

by time news

François Asselin called, this Tuesday on France 2, the State to reduce “the amount of taxon fuel forprofessionals».

The president of the Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises (CPME) François Asselin on Tuesday asked for additional state aid for companies, in particular transport, which are facing rising fuel prices.

The aid already in place, such as the reduction of 15 to 18 cents since April 1 “were useful, but unfortunately we see that the price (of oil) continues to evolve in the wrong direction, so that it is relatively quickly erased“, Pointed François Asselin on France 2. He notably mentioned the transport sector “which is once again beginning to be in great difficulty“, because of its low margins which do not allow companies to collect a significant increase in their fuel costs.

Road freight transport or public passenger transport companies can already benefit from the partial refund of the tax on petroleum products (TICPE) for vehicles over 7.5 tonnes. “Without state support we can’t do it.“, However, estimated François Asselin, calling on the State to reduce “the amount of taxon fuel forprofessionals».

In favor of a TICPE “floating»

The “15 cents reduction on the taxes that are granted today will no longer be enough to balance income and expenditure so unfortunately we will certainly have to go a little bit further and really target large energy consumers“, he estimated. He pleaded for the reintroduction of a TICPE “floating», depending on the evolution of oil prices.

Moreover, with the rise in energy and raw material prices, the CPME president fears “an increase in business claims“, namely their failure. François Asselin has, in fact, considered that the wall of bankruptcies is “in front of us“. According to the firm Altares, business failures were 28,371 in 2021 and 32,184 in 2020 compared to 52,004 in 2019. “We are in an abnormal situation related to “whatever it takes». Now, we are going to witness the recovery of business claims. We will have to support them. If we go back over the bar of 50,000 business failures and we do not go beyond, we will have achieved a certain feat. But we fear a more significant increase“, he explained.

To prevent this and support companies, François Asselin pleads for the staggering of the repayment of Loans Guaranteed by the State “beyond the current amortization period, up to 10 years if necessary“. Currently, maturities can still be spread over five years.

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