CPMI January 8: Rapporteur says she does not rule out summoning Augusto Heleno

by time news

2023-06-01 20:00:53

Former GSI minister in the Jair Bolsonaro administration was heard this Thursday, 1st, at the CPI of the Legislative Chamber of the DF

Marcos Corrêa/PRGeneral Augusto Heleno, former minister of the GSI, is one of the names presented in applications to the CPMI

to senator Eliziane Gama (PSD-MA), rapporteur of the Joint Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPMI) that checks the acts of the day January 8thsaid this Thursday, 1st, that he does not rule out calling the general Augustus Hellenusformer chief minister of the Institutional Security Office (GSI), to provide clarification to the collegiate. According to the parliamentarian, among the more than 600 requests submitted, there are already requests for a summons to hear the former member of the Bolsonaro government. Eliziane says that, due to the large number of filed requests, the idea of ​​the CPMI leadership is to analyze the documents in blocks.

Also this Thursday, the 1st, Heleno was heard by the CPI of the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District and denied that the GSI and the former president Jair Bolsonaro have been involved in plans to carry out a coup d’état. The PSD senator says that the National Congress collegiate wants to find out if, in fact, there was an attempt at a democratic rupture. “All of world political history, of our times and times past, clearly show that a coup is preceded by a look at the seat of powers, whether it be invading or burning,” she said. The next CPMI meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, the 6th, when the rapporteur intends to present the Commission’s work plan. Also in the next session, who will be the first deponents will be presented.

#CPMI #January #Rapporteur #rule #summoning #Augusto #Heleno

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