Created a tool to measure the level of frailty of the elderly

by time news

The ‘e-SIF’ classifies patients into four levels based on the analysis of 42 clinical conditions, which are robust, pre-frail, frail and dependent

A research group from the Maresme Health Consortium (CSdM) has designed the ‘e-SIF‘ (electronic Screening Index of Fragility), a tool that allows automatically and massively classify the elderly population according to their state of fragility.

The finding has been developed by the CSdM’s sarcopenia, frailty and dependency research group (GRESFD) from a sample of 9,000 people over 64 years of age and has been published in the prestigious journal of the British Geriatrics Society “Age and Aging “.

four levels

The ‘e-SIF’ allows the elderly to be classified into four levels from the analysis of 42 conditions clinics of the patients, who are robust, pre-frail, frail and dependent.

The tool allows act from the health and social services with a preventive perspective, with the aim of delaying the physical deterioration of the elderly and promoting their autonomy and quality of life.

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Some of the clinical conditions analyzed for the classification correspond to diabetes, depression, pain, falls, obesity, urinary or fecal incontinence, visual disturbances or activity limitation, among others, and relate them to diagnoses of the CIM-10 (International and Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems).

Advance in health management

The ‘e-SIF’ supposes a useful tool both in planning and in health managementsince it helps to predict the level of frailty of the population in the coming years, its mortality and the consumption of health resources, such as Primary Care visits, hospital or nursing home admissions, among others.

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