Creation of National Milk Producer’s Day is approved by CRA — Senado Notícias

by time news

The Agriculture and Agrarian Reform Commission (CRA) approved this Wednesday (24) a bill establishing National Milk Producer’s Day, to be celebrated annually on July 12. Authored by the Chamber of Deputies, the PL 6.487/2019 was reported by senator Jayme Campos (União-MT), who voted in favor of the proposition. The text goes to the Plenary for consideration.

Brazil is currently the third largest milk producer in the world, with average growth of 4% to 5% per year, according to the project’s justification. In his report, Jayme Campos highlights the growing relevance of milk for the country’s economic development and says that the activity is one of the most complex in Brazilian agribusiness. Milk is today one of the main products of national agriculture, surpassing traditional items such as processed coffee and rice, notes the senator.

“The dairy agribusiness segment, including its derivatives, is fundamental both for food supply and for promoting employment and income for the Brazilian population. With an annual production approaching 33.6 billion liters and having the second largest global dairy herd, behind only India, and with approximately 70 million animals destined for dairy production, Brazil stands out on the international scene” , he states.

The rapporteur also highlights continued growth in dairy production in Brazil. Since 1961, when production barely exceeded 5 billion liters, until 2015, when the country already produced 35 billion liters, the sector expanded seven times in just over five decades. Furthermore, the expansion of Brazilian exports, especially to markets such as China and Russia, large consumers of dairy products, reinforces Brazil’s position as a player important in the global market, says the senator, informing that, in 2016, the country obtained revenue of US$ 167 million in exports from the sector.

With regard to the “high significance criterion” provided for in 12,345 lei, from 2010, which establishes the foundations for the establishment of commemorative dates, Jayme Campos highlights the establishment of World Milk Day by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Established in 2001, the date is celebrated annually on June 1st.

“FAO, which works to combat hunger and poverty through improving food security and agricultural development, justifies the institution of World Milk Day considering that milk is one of the most widely produced and valuable agricultural products in the world. planet. Containing a powerful blend of essential nutrients, it boosts food security, nutrition and economic development. In this way, especially given the recognition by the UN of the relevance and need to establish a commemorative date dedicated to milk, the high significance criterion provided for in Law 12,345, of 2010, is considered to be met”, concludes the rapporteur.

Senado Agency (Reproduction authorized upon citation from Senado Agency)

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