Cretinism: lack or deficiency of the thyroid in fetal development

by time news

2023-12-19 13:52:41

Cretinism is a disease that originates from the lack or destruction of the thyroid gland during embryo development, causing significant physical and psychological deficits.

Cretinism occurs due to lack or deficiency of the thyroid during fetal development. EFE/Zayra Mo

According to Spanish Society of Internal Medicinethe prompt detection of cretinism through neonatal testing is very important “to avoid this damage and so that the person can lead an absolutely normal life, although in certain cases its progression is inevitable.”

Cretinism is often congenital; people are born with a deficit in thyroid function. Other times they arise due to a lack of iodine, which is essential for the thyroid gland to make its hormones.

Consequences of cretinism

This thyroid gland deficiency, if not addressed in time, can have consequences such as:

Macroglossia, the tongue is too big for the mouth. Thickening of the fur and few for the and fragile.

Skull large in proportion to the face, with a large jaw. Bit appetiteconstipation and reduced tolerance to cold.

heartbeat slow, fast or irregular.

Mental confusion including depression, psychosis or forgetfulness.

Fluid retentionespecially around the eyes, sad facial expression and drooping eyelids.

Anemia, numbness and tingling in the feet and hands, hoarse or deep voice, and swelling of the legs.

According to an article by the researcher Juan Bernal, from the Autonomous University of Madrid and CIBER of rare diseases, published in the Spanish Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology“the deficiency of thyroid hormones caused by a severe deficiency in the intake of iodine in the diet causes goiter and endemic cretinism, which have been prevalent in large areas of the planet, affecting large sections of the population, and seriously impeding economic development.” and social of the affected regions.”

“Iodination programs – he continues – have spread throughout most countries and this problem has been greatly reduced.”


If treated promptly with thyroid hormones and the addition of iodine to the diet, significant progress can be seen, such as in height and mental development, adds the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine.

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