Crime in Mar del Plata. They investigate in Tucumán the murderer of the party of businessman Mauricio Ríos in Punta Mogotes

by time news

John Jesus Piero Pinna the former rugbier accused of having shot dead a man at the birthday party of a controversial businessman from Mar del Plata, will be formally charged today in Tucumán, where he turned himself in last night, for the robbery of his ex-partner’s premises in the provincial capital. Meanwhile, the Mar del Plata prosecutor is expected to Florence Halls Send today the corresponding warrant so that the detainee is sent to the seaside resort to be investigated for the homicide that occurred early Sunday morning in Punta Mogotes.

Pinna, 34, will face today, in the Tucuman courts, the imputation hearing and formalization of charges as alleged co-author of aggravated robbery in the El Faraón del Pollo company, which he owned together with his ex-wife, María Laura Coria, occurred early Friday morning, shortly before the exrugbier traveled to Mar del Plata to attend the birthday party of Mauricio Damian Riosto which his girlfriend had been invited, ROmina García, daughter of Rudy Ulloa, former driver and former secretary of Néstor Kirchner and currently a gastronomic and media entrepreneur.

as far as he could tell THE NATION, the young woman, 26 years old, did not arrive in Tucumán together with Pinna. After the incident in the parking lot of the Parador Horizonte del Sol, in Punta Mogotes, in which the exrugbier starred in a fight with the meat businessman Ariel Nunez -who fractured his right ankle with a blow- and then killed four shots to Maximilian Rihl, The 44-year-old couple left the scene in a white Toyota Corolla. First they went through the hotel where they had stayed, to collect their things, and left for Buenos Aires, where Romina García’s trip ended. From there, the man continued alone to San Miguel de Tucumán.

There was speculation, at this time, with the possibility that the woman – over whom there is no type of legal impediment – will appear today to testify in Mar del Plata. Meanwhile, all the testimonies scheduled for today (including that of Núñez, who is considered key), were postponed for tomorrow, because, at this time, the burial and burial of Rihl’s remains, in Ezeiza.

Meanwhile, the time of the impeachment hearing in Tucumán for the robbery that occurred last Friday, around 2:50, when seven people – one of whom would be Pinna – entered one of the sheds of El Faraón del Pollo has not yet been set. after reducing the person in charge of security.

According to the complaint of Coria (ex-partner and ex-partner of Pinna in the commercial enterprise) the men used one of the company’s cargo trucks to take six refrigerators and computers, four televisions, a forklift, weapons and ammunition, the sources indicated.

The case was handled by Prosecutor Pedro Leon Gallohead of the Robbery and Theft Prosecutor’s Office No. 2 of the Capital Judicial Center of San Miguel de Tucumán, who asked the Judge of Guarantees Gonzalo Ortega for Pinna’s arrest.

Last Saturday raids were carried out without results, for which the prosecutor León Gallo declared the accused “in absentia”. Now, after the arrest, he will submit him to an impeachment hearing during this day.

Meanwhile, judicial spokesmen confirmed that Pinna has another case for gender violencewithin the framework of which a perimeter restriction measure towards his ex-wife, which is processed by one of the prosecutors specialized in this crime.

After the hearing to formulate charges by the Tucuman justice, Pinna will remain at the disposal of the prosecutor Florencia Salas, of the Functional Unit of Instruction (UFI) No. 1 of Mar del Plata, which is carrying out the case for the murder of Rihl.

Prosecutor Salas, after learning that the accused had surrendered to the police authorities, began the procedures for his transfer to Mar del Plata in the coming days, when he will be investigated for the murder.

In statements to Télam, prosecutor Salas assured yesterday that the episode that triggered the crime occurred when Rihl was trying to “calm down” after a fight that Pinna had had with another person on the birthday, so “nothing merited” the attack.

After attacking Rihl with four bullets, the defendant Pinna – who had arrived at the birthday party as his girlfriend’s companion – fled with his partner aboard a white Toyota Corolla, for which he began to be searched by all security forces. security throughout the country.

The homicide took place at the party organized by businessman Mauricio Ríos to commemorate his 51st birthday in the “Horizonte” spa salon. Beach Club”, located on Avenida de los Trabajadores, between Oneglia and Isla Sardeña, in that city on the Atlantic coast.

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