Crime: Killed teacher in Ibbenbüren – investigations against students

by time news

Killed teacher in Ibbenbüren – investigations against students

Police operation at a vocational college in Ibbenbüren: A 17-year-old student is said to have stabbed his 55-year-old teacher in a classroom. photo

© -/NWM-TV/dpa

A 17-year-old is said to have stabbed his teacher and then called 911 himself. How did the bloody deed at the vocational college in Münsterland come about? Many questions are still open.

After the fatal knife attack on a teacher in the city of Ibbenbüren in Münsterland, investigations into the crime are ongoing. A 17-year-old student is said to have killed the 55-year-old in the classroom at a vocational college yesterday afternoon. It was initially unclear whether the young person would be brought before a magistrate today. According to the public prosecutor, the investigation into the background is at the very beginning.

According to the public prosecutor’s office in Münster, the 17-year-old made the emergency call himself after the crime and was then arrested without resistance. According to the first investigations by the homicide squad, he is said to have visited the 55-year-old in the school building. The teacher was alone in a classroom.

Background still unclear

Why she was there alone and the student apparently knew this was still unclear last night. The body will be autopsied at the earliest today, said a police spokeswoman. The public prosecutor’s office told the “Bild”: “It is currently still unclear whether the suspect acted because of school or private problems or possibly has psychological problems.”

There was a larger police presence at the vocational college yesterday. In addition to several patrol cars, a rescue helicopter, an ambulance and an emergency chaplain also arrived.

A student is currently facing charges in the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court because he is said to have planned a major bloodbath at his high school in Essen. According to the indictment, he was targeting teachers and students. According to the federal prosecutor’s office, the high school student is said to have planned the act with pipe bombs and as a right-wing terrorist attack.


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