Crime of Johana Ramallo: they asked to put seven detainees on trial for human trafficking and drug sales

by time news

2023-10-13 05:21:51

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office No. 1 of La Plata, the Specialized Unit on Violence against Women (UFEM), the Office of the Prosecutor for Human Trafficking and Exploitation (PROTEX), and the Office of the Narcocriminality Prosecutor (PROCUNAR), asked to elevate the case to an oral and public trial. to seven members of a criminal organization that operated in the “red zone” of La Plata.

It is believed that they were participants in sexual exploitation and drug trafficking, and would be directly related to the crime of Johana Ramallo, 23, who disappeared in July 2017 in the area where they operated.

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After seven years of truncated investigations, seven people were accused of being part of a criminal organization that operated in the “red zone” of La Plata, during 2016 and 2017. Apparently, they were dedicated to the sale of drugs and human trafficking. , sexually exploiting them, especially those women who were in a situation of street prostitution, as was the case of Ramallo.

The young woman was 23 years old and was the mother of a girl. (Source: Archive).

In this way, the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested the Federal Court No. 1 of La Plata that the main hypothesis of the case focus on investigating the femicide of the young woman in a context of organized crime.

According to what was established in the investigation, the suspects showed up in the area with the excuse of “taking care of them”, charged them for “the stops” and watched them to have control over them. In this way they recruited them, withheld money from prostitution and sold them drugs.

The prosecutors pointed out that in this way a circle of illicit associations operated: increased consumption, generation of debts and deepening of the prostitution situation to pay off the debts. In turn, sexual submission served as an instrument to market narcotics through them to “clients/prostituents.”

Six years after her femicide, there are eight detainees, but it is still not known who killed her

On July 26, 2017, Johana Ramallo was playing cards with her grandmother and mother until around 5 p.m. The 23-year-old girl left with the promise of returning at 9 p.m. to have stew soup for dinner with her family. . However, she never returned and her mutilated body appeared 21 months later on the shores of the town of Berisso.

Several witnesses and security camera records located Johana on the corner of 1st and 63rd streets, along with a 17-year-old minor who worked in the red light district, and there the trace was definitively lost.

Despite finding the body and confirming that it was Johana, Justice moved slowly in the case and with many irregularities. The latest developments occurred in June of this year, when Justice confirmed the prosecution with preventive detention of four people: Carlos Linares, known as “Carlitos” or “El Peruano”; Mirko Galarza Celia Andreza Benítez, nicknamed “The Missionary” and Paola Erika Garraza, also called “Storm”.

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According to the Federal Court of Appeals of La Plata, these four people carried out criminal activities in the so-called “red zone” of La Plata. Sexual exploitation and drug sales created the ideal scenario to capture Johana.

Johana was 23 years old and had a six-year-old daughter when she disappeared. (Photo: Facebook).

According to investigators, “El Peruano” was one of the two major drug suppliers in the neighborhood and sold cocaine to women who were involved in prostitution. He also traded with Carlos Omar Rodríguez, nicknamed “El Cabezón”, a man who worked as a taxi driver and had a relationship with Johana.

With these arrests, there are now eight people detained in the case: Nicole Guerra Guerrero, Sayuri Valentina León, Andrea Barreto Clavijo, Celia Noemí Giménez.

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In 2022, federal judge Alejo Ramos Padilla had requested the arrest of “El Cabezón” because he considered that the accused took advantage of the relationship he had with the young woman and “abused her vulnerable situation.”

For the judge, Rodríguez “made specific contributions to facilitate the exercise of her prostitution in the same red zone, at least from March 2017 until the end of July of that same year.”

With the confirmation of the prosecutions, the case could be raised to oral trial. However, six years after the last time they saw her and with eight accused, it has not yet been determined who was the material author of the crime and the family continues to wait for justice for Johana.

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