Crime Scene Management and Specialized Police Forces
The Criminal Proximity Units (UPC) have been instrumental in tackling high-impact crimes in the City of Mexico. Led by Octavio Ceballos, the General Coordinator of Strategic Investigations, the UPC has prosecuted 1,108 investigation files since its inception in 2019. This success is attributed to its focus on optimizing the research process of homicides and feminicides.
Inspired by models implemented in Europe, the UPC utilizes a specialized group to meticulously process crime scenes and gather evidence. This approach has proven crucial in identifying and apprehending perpetrators. Prioritizing efficiency and effectiveness, the UPC has managed to reduce homicide rates in the City of Mexico below the national average.
The UPC’s success is attributed to its comprehensive approach, involving a team of agents from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, a forensic expert, a photography expert, and investigators. This collaboration ensures comprehensive coverage of every crime scene, preserving evidence and facilitating a thorough investigation.
The UPC’s implementation has yielded significant results. High-risk criminals have been apprehended and prosecuted, demonstrating the effectiveness of this specialized unit. This model has proven particularly valuable in addressing the ongoing issue of intentional homicide in Mexico.