Crisis at the FFF: Lizarazu does not see Le Graët coming back and criticizes his outings “beside the plate”

by time news

Another world champion comes to the support of Zinedine Zidane. Sacred with the Blues in 1998, Bixente Lizarazu attacks this Thursday morning at Noël Le Graët, president of the FFF set back on Wednesday by the executive committee of the federation after the storm triggered by his exit Sunday on the former coach of the Real Madrid. A leader that the former side, consultant for France Info, does not see coming back even if the audit launched by the Ministry of Sports against him clears him.

“There is an accumulation of slippages. The latest was his comments on Zinedine Zidane. It caused a very strong reaction because it’s Zidane, but also because we didn’t have to wait for an investigation to understand the contempt, the I don’t give a fuck, I say what I think. Except that Zidane is the greatest player in the France team with Platini. He is someone who wants to be coach of the France team. We should pamper him, we should be happy that he wants. »

“He is reaching an age where his behavior is worrying”

“This feeling of impunity is worrying. He arrives at an age (Editor’s note: 81 years old) where his behavior is strange. He’s been a big name president, but his outings in recent months have been totally off the mark on all counts. There were societal issues, there was Qatar. When you are president, you embody the values ​​of French football, therefore respect for the players of the France team. On this, we have the impression that he behaves just like Noël Le Graët who says what he thinks.

After the withdrawal of Le Gräet, it is its vice-president Philippe Diallo who will ensure the transition at least until the publication of the audit at the end of January. The director general of the FFF Florence Hardouin, also targeted by this audit, was laid off during this same executive committee.

“What is crazy is that we are coming out of a very good World Cup, regrets Bixente Lizarazu. We were in the final, we had a lot of emotions, and we find ourselves in a major crisis. It means that the dysfunction is enormous. Generally, it’s when sportingly it goes less well that it happens. This is to tell you how wrong things are. »

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