Crisis at the FFF: “We cannot ignore our pleasure”, SOS Racisme welcomes the withdrawal of Le Graët and the interim Diallo

by time news

After the words of Noël Le Graët on Zinedine Zidane, Hermann Ebongue, vice-president of SOS Racisme and president of Sportitude-France, had already told us of his desolation. “It’s been years that, on many subjects, we have seen that Noël Le Graët behaves like the absolute man: no one can say anything, he had underlined. So his attitude is consistent, in the sense that from the moment he does things, there is no opposite reaction. It can only go in the direction of escalation. And Sunday, it was one more step.

This Wednesday, when the announcement of the withdrawal of the president of the FFF and the appointment of Philippe Diallo to take over, Hermann Ebongue did not hide his satisfaction. “It’s a pity that we had to wait for this episode to come to this, but we can only accept the decision of the comex and welcome it. It corresponds to what we have been asking for a long time. We already welcome this first decision which will, we hope, go to the end of the process which is to definitively end the role of president of the FFF of Noël Le Graët. We hope that this is the beginning of a new era for the FFF, particularly with regard to our subjects, namely the fight against racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia and discrimination. »

For these purposes, and as he had already considered, Hermann Ebongue and SOS Racisme will “ask for a meeting with Philippe Diallo”. “Because we have a lot to offer,” he explains. There are issues that are not resolved. I know his commitments on these subjects, especially when he was at the head of the UCPF. »

Despite everything, Hermann Ebongue regrets the lack of dialogue in recent years. “I was very surprised at his silence,” he said of Diallo. And even that of others like the president of the League, Vincent Labrune, who had nevertheless had very harsh words on the questions of violence and hooliganism. I hope that Philippe Diallo and many others will finally open a new page. »

While Noël Le Graët had multiplied the slippages in recent years, Hermann Ebongue notes that it took remarks touching Zidane to trigger the media and political storm. “We would have preferred that he be dismissed for breaches of themes that affect the fundamental values ​​of sport, such as equality, solidarity, the fight against violence, living together… But hey, we can’t hide our pleasure. »

For his part For Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racisme, underlines in the same way that “the remarks made by Noël Le Graët towards Zidane alone deserved that he leaves the presidency of the FFF. However, it is lamentable that this character, despite his scandalous remarks – already several years old – of minimizing racism and homophobia in football was able to remain in his post for so many years and was reappointed there”.

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