Crisis between Yisrael Beiteinu and Matan Kahana: Oppose the appointment of a temporary director to BiD for conversion

by time news

Minister of Religious Affairs Matan Kahana, who failed to pass the conversion reform in the Knesset before the recess, is due to present on Sunday for government approval a “decision proposal” – to approve the state conversion system to prepare for the implementation of the conversion system law.

The explanatory memorandum to the proposal states: “Since the Knesset has taken a break, and in order to advance preparations for the implementation of the law, if approved in the third reading, the Minister is currently requesting approval of a temporary appointment of a local director of conversion courts.

“This appointment will allow the system to begin preparatory work for the implementation of the law and to promote the necessary preliminary preparation already at this stage, even before the law is approved in the third reading.

“For the avoidance of doubt, it will be clarified that the local courts will not be established in practice until the conversion system law enters into force.”

But those who are about to oppose the proposal are the ministers of Yisrael Beiteinu.

In a conversation with a party official, he says of Minister Kahana: “What he is bringing is Israbloff, it is a position he wants to bring only to appoint people close to him – there is no chance that we will agree to it.”

He said, “It’s a band-aid. It’s just a waste of time, it tends to arrange jobs for his associates. And instead of preparing an array that will be ready when the conversion law comes, he is acting as a person in charge of this conversion, which is not serious. “

Moreover, in the first week of the summer session Yisrael Beiteinu will put to the vote Yulia Malinowski’s private bill, for conversion through city rabbis.

To my question about whether this will actually lead to the opening of an open battle between the right and Yisrael Beiteinu – they respond in the affirmative.

Is it worth the risk of overthrowing the government? I asked.

They did not respond.

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