Cristina Kirchner receives the solidarity of Petro, López Obrador and other Latin American presidents

by time news
  • For the presidents of Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia and Honduras, Fernández de Kirchner is the object of judicial persecution that seeks his ban

  • A prosecutor has demanded 12 years in prison and the perpetual disqualification of the vice presidency for considering her the head of an “illicit association”

The request for 12 years in prison and lifelong disqualification for Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner begins to have its regional repercussions. The presidents of Colombia, Gustavo PetroBolivia, louis arceand the Mexican Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador They considered, together with their Argentine colleague, Alberto Fernández, that the vice president is the object of a “judicial persecution” that deserves an “absolute rejection”.

The message is known a few hours after the prosecutor Diego Luciani accused her of being the head of an “illicit association” linked to public works during their governments (2007-15). Luciani’s request has only amplified the divisions that exist in Argentine society around the figure of Fernández de Kirchner. For now, the message from the leaders who are part of the Latin American “progressive arc” has had its predictable repercussion in Argentina. “We roundly condemn the strategies of judicial persecution to eliminate political opponents“, it is pointed out in the statement that it has in turn had the accession of the Honduran president, Xiomana Castro, as well as former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón. What is sought with this legal case, they affirmed, is to “remove” the vice president “from public, political and electoral life”, as well as “bury ideal values it represents, with the ultimate goal of implementing a neoliberal model”.

While the Argentine right-wing formations welcomed Luciani’s request and warned this Wednesday about the attempt to pressure the Judiciary on the basis of social mobilizations before the court passes sentence, the leaders of the region considered that “the due process and legal guarantees” of Fernández de Kirchner. Justice, they add, “has opened numerous cases against him, many of which have had to be shelved in the absence of any type of solid evidence.” Other cases against the vice president remain open despite “bad procedural practices” who only seek “remove” to the leader “of political life”.

“Our solidarity with Cristina. We condemn the lawfare attack (politicization of justice) against the fellow Vice President. The use of the judicialization of politics constitutes an attack against democracy,” said the Honduran president. the absence of the Chilean Gabriel Boric in the president’s statement.

Against a pardon

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According to local media, the court would issue a ruling in late November or early December, in the midst of the World Cup, an event especially awaited by Argentines.

Former Minister of the Supreme Court, Raul Zaffaroni, recommended that President Fernández analyze the possibility of pardoning Fernández de Kirchner if the vice president were convicted. “The only recourse that is going to remain, hard as it may be, to safeguard the future of democracyfaced with the prospect of reaching an election with proscriptions,” added the former minister. Oscar Parrilli, a senator with a very close political relationship with the vice president, seemed to speak for her in the face of Zaffaroni’s proposal: “For CFK neither pardon nor amnesty: Justice“.

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