Critical Hours for Achaia: Battle Against Sheep Peste Continues as New Results Await

by time news

The next 24 hours are critical for Achaia and all of Western Greece regarding the containment of the plague, which poses a significant “challenge” for the Region, which is fighting hard to prevent the virus from spreading to other Livestock Units, something that would have catastrophic effects on the region’s economy.

From the very first moment it identified the problem, it has responded with its entire mechanism, conducted all necessary checks, and proceeded with procedures at the locations where cases were identified based on the protocol of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food; thus far, the damage is not very severe.


However, as experts say, in about 10-15 days we will know if the plague has spread to other areas, as there will be a clear view of whether the virus has spread within a total of 21 days of incubation, due to the shipments that have arrived in Western Greece during the critical period. If no new cases “arise” during this time, then logic suggests that the region has overcome the problem.

In Achaia, checks have been conducted in Livestock Units of the former Province of Kalavryta (on the border with Corinthia), which are in a control zone, and until yesterday, no confirmed positive samples had been found. However, not all responses have yet arrived from the Reference Laboratory in Athens, which is conducting analyses of the blood samples.

There is intense concern among consumers regarding meat


The one key step, which is the culling of animals in the Units – a total of about 1,280 goats and sheep that tested positive – has been completed, and now the focus has turned to checks in other Units that are in monitoring zones in Aetolia-Acarnania and Ilia.


Critical Hours for Achaia: Battle Against Sheep Peste Continues as New Results Await

Andreas Filiaras

It is noted that by decision of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the movement of sheep and goats for fattening, breeding, slaughter, and summer pastures is prohibited until August 19, 2024, as well as of cattle originating from farms connected health-wise with sheep and goats farms.

The Deputy Regional Governor for Agricultural Development of Western Greece, Andreas Filiaras, the person who has been informed from the very beginning about the issue and deals every day to coordinate the 40 teams and the relevant Veterinary Services of the Region, stated yesterday to “Peloponnisos”: “The culling of animals has been completed. We are now proceeding with checks and awaiting results from the samples we have sent. So far, from the responses we have received, we do not have any other positive case of plague.”


Athena Trachili

The president of the Panhellenic Veterinary Association, Athena Trachili, provides her assessment to “P” about where we stand today and what we can expect. Ms. Trachili, particularly grounded, emphasized: “We are still on alert. We haven’t calmed down. We are awaiting the results from the checks that have been done, and then we will know definitively. We still do not know what genetic material we are looking for, something that would significantly help us in tracing. Our country must decide what productive model it wants. If it wants a productive model, it must formulate a long-term strategy that will ensure the food chain. Additionally, it is very important to protect feta cheese, which is one of Greece’s most exportable products.”

Vasilis Panagiotopoulos

Vasilis Panagiotopoulos

The president of the Achaia Butchers Association, Vasilis Panagiotopoulos, speaking to “P”, as a professional who comes into direct contact with consumers, discussed the issue of prices and the concern he senses from the public, who wants to obtain meat, especially in light of the Feast of the Assumption. “First of all, due to the slaughter prohibition on Greek lambs until August 19, we no longer have any on our shelves. Right now, the market is supplying lambs from Romania and Spain. The first start from €11.50 per kilo and the latter from €13.50/kg. Consumers are concerned. They constantly ask what is happening, and there is hesitance in buying. However, there is also a proportion that is buying, especially given the upcoming holiday. The big challenge for us is to prevent the spread. The plague was found where it was identified… let the damage stop there. I hope everything goes well so we don’t have other cases, because then the damage to our sector will be very significant.”


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